Health or Happiness: Is It Time to Go Home?
When I spent the last week in extreme pain from stomach cramps and a potential infection, people back home asked me: “When is it enough? Huancayo isn’t cut out for you.” There was the implication that I should move back to Canada.
Here’s the medical history of my time in Huancayo since 2008:
- A biopsy to diagnose a chronic rash on my forehead caused by the burning heat of the sun at this altitude.
- Over five cases of allergic reactions to mites and the hassle of fumigating the apartment each time.
- Recurring bacterial infections, strep throat and a yellow tongue.
- Allergic reaction to antibiotics.
- The myriad of negative side effects from different medications.
- Tummy troubles from the change in food quality.
- Parasites.
It’s difficult for my body to adjust to a new environment. In fact, there’s no promise that my body will ever adjust. Doctors take a trial-and-error approach to treating me because they don’t know what medications may be too strong for my body.
My good blogging friend and favorite shrink, Hajra Khatoon, helped me brainstorm through the predicament with the following questions:
- Will you move because of your health – is it that bad that you need to move?
- Do you enjoy living there?
- Do you enjoy the career you are pursuing right now?
- Are you happier here or will be happier back home or anywhere else?
- Are you enjoying the experience the stay is offering you — personally, professionally, emotionally?
It’s easier to be happy when you’re feeling healthy, but happiness can also predict health. At the very least, the simpler and relaxing lifestyle I sought and found here in Huancayo helps me manage the pain by making it all worthwhile. Happiness may decrease my chances of getting worse illnesses and may decrease the time I feel under the weather when I do end up getting sick.
Despite the struggles, I’m not ready to go back to Canada.
What’s more important to you — health or happiness?
Tags: bacterial infection, biopsy, health, health in peru, mites, parasites, rash, street food peru
Sam, while your happiness IS a major concern, you can't really enjoy it if you are sick and unhealthy, What your body can't endure will eventually cloud over everything. Is this worth risking your LIFE for? That is the real question, and might eventually come to. I'd look at all medical evidence to the core before making that decision, but you will be happier if your healthy to enjoy living.
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Samantha Bangayan
A serious and important question, Stu! Thanks for bringing this up! I really need to reassess whether the health troubles can accumulate into something life-threatening. The tummy troubles I had last week could have been an accumulation of digestion problems since the beginning, they say.
Thanks so much for having me think about this, friend! =)
Leanne Chesser
Hmm. I don't think there's a simple answer to that question because it depends on the situation. At this point in time, being in a healthy state, I say happiness.
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Wow, that's a tough question, happiness or health…hmmm….You can't do without both in the long term, that's for sure. I remember when I was faced with the question of whether I should go back to Manila and leave my then boyfriend/fiance behind here in Chicago or just stay here but leave everyone AND my teaching job (plus EVERYTHING else) for good, the person that truly helped me was my sister. She said what I should ask myself was,"Which decision do you think you will NOT regret?" The rest is history. Good luck Sam and be well! đŸ™‚
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Adriene (Sweepy Jean)
Such a hard question, Sam. It’s hard to be truly happy if you are not healthy due to so many limitations. Maybe the health problems will resolve in time…
Samantha Bangayan
That's what I'm hoping too, Adriene! =) But if the health problems persist, I'll really need to sit down and reconsider. Crossing my fingers that my body can tough it out! =)
Thom Brown
I think the question is flawed by asking one to choose between two interrelated qualities. It’s sort of a false dichotomy. You can have both. You can have neither too. How long can I tolerate not being well – since I in a happy place right now? Clarity of prognosis is huge in this decision.
Hi Samantha. I think these two are difficult to separate. Without health it is hard to hold on to happiness. Without happiness it is hard to be healthy. If your health is adversely affected by where you are living is there a possibility of adjusting the previous lifestyle back in Canada so that it is more relaxed? Take care of yourself.
Samantha Bangayan
You make a really good distinction, Mary! Both need to be part of the picture somehow for true "well-being" (which is the honest case here).
Thanks for bringing up an excellent question for me to ponder and for your care!! =)
Maureen Hunter
Sam, you have been through a lot! I dont think you can choose between health and happiness. Because really if you are too sick, there is little likelihood of happiness. I think its useful to consider this question – What impact is my health having on my quality of life?" Physically, emotionally, spiritually, financially – and take it from there. It sounds like if you are not ready to leave Peru yet, then maybe the impact is manageable.
Good luck
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Samantha Bangayan
Haha! You know, Maureen, listing out all my ailments like that had me reflecting on how much I've been through too!
I really love the question you posed, Maureen. You're so right that it's about quality of life and well-being. Thanks for helping to clarify the true scenario and for reminding me about everything that I should take into account. =)
It's true that I don't feel the health issues are too serious yet, even though when laid out as above, they might seem like it. Thanks so much for your input, friend! =)
Sam, I hope you are okay now.
Health and happiness go hand-in-hand. But if given a choice, I suppose health overrides, as we can choose to be happy.
You have a lot of courage in what you are doing. Thanks for your inspiration, and for telling your story!!
Samantha Bangayan
Keri, thank you so much for reaching out and for caring!! =) I so value our friendship!
You really bring up a good point because I can choose to be happy in Canada or elsewhere. Thanks so much for helping me to clarify that and for your encouragement!! =)
If you're not ready to go back to Canada, you're not ready to go back to Canada. You are a tough cookie, and if it gets to the point where you need to leave Peru, you will. Live each day, breathe each breath, and remember that whatever you *believe* to be right, will be. Just don't do anything you don't feel in your gut. And WE love you!
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Samantha Bangayan
Wow! It was like I was able to breathe normally again after reading your comment, Caitlin. Thanks for showing up at just the right time!! You've really simplified things for me and I really appreciate the reminder to trust in my own intuition.
HUGSS!! Love back to Stoneyhaw!
Holly Jahangiri
You can be sick anywhere, right? No guarantees that you’ll adjust to life back in Canada, either – by now, it’s a “new environment” for you, most likely. I drank the water in Egypt just fine; it was the orange juice that nearly killed me. But I loved the trip and it was worth every moment of the misery. Only you can weigh the risks and benefits. How good is the medical care you can get in Peru? There are no guarantees of health or happiness, no matter where you go. If you’re happier than you are sick, then stay. đŸ™‚
Well Samantha, here is my two cents worth….
I was a travel nurse for about 4 years. I went to Alaska. Caught every germ and illness they had (normally I am never sick). Ended up with pneumonia and thought I was going to die (the operative word here is thought).
Would I go back? In a heartbeat! So my two cents worth of advice is this: how sick do you get and is it tolerable? Sometimes you have to have a bit o' the sour to make you appreciate the sweet.
It is your life. Do what moves you!
~cath xo
@jonesbabie on Twitter
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Samantha Bangayan
Wow! How crazy that you got seriously sick in Alaska of all places! Same here — I'm normally never sick. =P
I love how you finish by saying that you would definitely go back! =) It's true that the tough times make the happy times so much happier and more worthwhile! =) Thank you so much for sharing your personal experience and for relating to me! =)
Samantha Bangayan
I absolutely love how you were able to relate, Holly! I completely identify with the water v. orange juice issue. I've had a lot of street food, but what really hit me was when I ate at a really expensive restaurant here and I've gotten sick from ribs in Canada too! You can never tell where you'll get sick or what you'll get sick from.
The medical care here is pretty good! I've found a really awesome clinic that has some of the best doctors around, so I'm crossing my fingers that the results will be clear this Saturday.
Thanks for your support and for sharing your story, Holly! =)
Chrysta Bairre
My health and happiness are both important to me, though in my life I have found I can take good care of my physical and mental health and still experience with physical illness as well as good health. I have limited control over my health, despite my best efforts to practice healthy self-care. I write this as I am experiencing a flare up in my asthma symptoms, even though I've been taking my maintenance medication and getting plenty of rest of late.
I have also noted if I neglect my happiness, I will feel unhappy and if I nurture my happiness, I will feel happy. I have ultimate control over my happiness, which does not come from my outside, but from within.
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Samantha Bangayan
Wow! Good point, Chrysta! We can try to take extra good care of ourselves, but we can't be prepared for everything. Life is all about the unpredictable! I'm sorry to hear about your asthma symptoms — hope you had a turbuhaler!
Chrysta, thanks so much for the empowerment and for the reminder that happiness comes from within. I'm in charge of my happiness and I'm living happily here in the Andes! =) Hugs!
Abe Palmer
I think you need to bring one more element into this equation that would also efect your well being both with both heath and happiness. That element is R. Without R your health and happiness may decline in ways you have never experianced before. Honestly, I choose not to share my opinion regarding this matter because it should be a discion strickly made by you and R. I do not want to confuse you any more then you may already be about what choice you might have to make.
charlie nitric
Hey Samantha –
I told you that you've been kissing to much there hahaha.
Ok. Happiness is essential in everyone's life, no doubts. Could it be that you are emotionally stressing your self into poor health? Meaning, do you have concerns over loved ones abroad that bother you each day? Did you leave unfinished business back in Canada that worries you? Have you made drastic dietary changes or fitness changes that could lead to some or all of your illnesses? There are many things to consider. There is a cause and effect thing happening, Samantha. Think about what I say here, please. Be happy Samantha. đŸ™‚
Samantha Bangayan
Haha! Wish I had known you since I arrived here in September, Charlie, so you could have warned me about the negative effects of kissing much earlier! =)
Hmm… you know, I really don't have much stress from things back home at the moment. The only possible slight stress would be balancing work with social media. I'm slowly learning to prioritize better. =P Thanks for these thought-provoking questions, friend, and for caring!
I get horrible cramps from eating rich, rich food BUT I love eating rich, rich food. I take tablets everytime I have a dinner out somewhere, but sometimes the cramps sneak through. I will admit though that it never stops me from going back for more. So, I really don't have an answer! Both?
Samantha Bangayan
This is SO interesting, Alexandra! Just yesterday I was thinking that there may be certain foods that make things worse or that I might have developed lactose intolerance! Maybe I should keep a food diary! =)
Thanks for sharing your personal experience, friend! =) I would keep eating rich food too! Hehe!
Diana Simon
Hi Sam,
First of all, I have a question for you. I know Hajra has asked you tons to help you figure out what's best for you but here's one that came to mind when I read this post. Since you love staying in Peru, what can you do to ensure you remain healthier? Just curious to know.
As for the question you posed, I think it's hard to be happy when you aren't well or more challenging. I say this because when I was diagnosed with cancer, going through the surgeries were tough. I wasn't sad but neither was I happy. I was doing my best to keep a positive spirit.
So I would say health if I have to choose but ideally, both go hand in hand đŸ™‚
Please stay well and keep us updated on how you are doing when you can!
Hugs and wishing you all the best,
My recent post Keeping The Dream Alive
RAAckerman, PhD, EA
I am not going to get into your decision to stay or leave. That obviously is more emotional than logical- and that requires a personal decision.
Regarding the prevailing number of bacterial infections- that is the result of the environment you have chosen. It is clear that the pollution (that does NOT mean dirty) is not conducive to your existence. There is not one immunization you can take to preclude it. You need to augment your resistance. That can happen in several ways. You can try taking a large dose of vitamin C daily. With the sun situation there, it could possibly provide an adjuvant benefit. You need to effect MORE exercise- not to the point of exhaustion, just to the point of a heightened level of resistance. You need to increase the amount of sleep you get by about 10% (I know, that's easier said than done. You may need to black out some windows.) You need to choose healthier foods (that means avoiding some of the local "delicacies" that may not be as sanitary as one would elect in your home environment.)
Those are the best starts I can provide. Happy decision making to you.
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Samantha Bangayan
Awesome strategies, Roy! Vitamin C would really help! I used to drink vitamin C regularly in Canada and hadn't even thought of continuing the habit here! Anything for adjuvancy. =)
Exercise is definitely lacking too and I haven't been thinking too much about my diet. Thanks so much for listing it out so clearly here! It makes me feel empowered that I can take charge of my health this way! =) Hugs to you, Roy!
Virag@Escapist Mom
Oh my! Those points from Hajra were so much like my points that I wrote down when I had the dilemma about staying in Sweden or going back to Hungary :).
If you say that you are not ready to go back to Canada then you are not ready. That's it.
But try to take care, having parasites sounds dangerous!
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Samantha Bangayan
I'm so glad to hear about someone who had a similar predicament, Virag! Thanks for relating to me and for trusting in my intuition! =)
I'll definitely take care! One more doctor's appointment this Saturday with the results should clear things up! =) Thanks for caring, friend! =)
I can relate to your health struggles, Samantha. I agree with Holly….you can be sick anywhere. However, you have to think about the health risks that are directly related to your environment.
I believe good health is an important part of being happy. If you are so ill that you can't get out of bed, it doesn't really matter what part of the world you are living in. You are free to choose at any time…and you must accept the consequences of your choices.
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Samantha Bangayan
That's definitely what it comes down to, Janette — choices and consequences! I know that I'll have to suffer through more illnesses here, but the question is if I'm willing to face that and I am. I knew it wasn't going to be smooth sailing! =) And if it isn't life-threatening, there's still reason for me to be here.
Thanks for your thoughts on this, friend! =)
Hi Samantha
I expect this is a question only you can answer. If at some point you find your line of tolerance has been crossed you will know it. Sounds to me like you already know where home is for you now.
Perhaps you might look at what you might be able to do to ensure your health in Peru rather than assuming moving is your only option? I’ve moved a fair bit and I can tell you any problem brings the answer of move back lol. I think it’s more of an excuse by family than anything. Which is lovely in it’s own way. Sometimes a visit back clears up your thoughts and takes away doubt or cements your choice.
Remember. Every place has good and bad. You can get sick anywhere.
Follow your heart. Your inner wisdom will let you know if you are on your path.
Samantha Bangayan
Bonnie, thank you so much for your empowering words! I never thought about it that way — any difficulties can bring up the thought of moving back home rather than ways to deal with the situation head on. Roy has brought up some really good points to help me with my health including the basics, such as exercise and diet. I think they're worth implementing before I make any drastic changes!
I try to visit Vancouver every Christmas/New Year's, so hopefully that will clear things up for me too! =) Thanks for your thoughts, friend, and for caring!
The important thing, Sam, is that you prefer to stay. That's why I think you will say "happiness". As long as you prefer to battle sickness before leaving… And I think you will prevail. Get well soon! Saludos.
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Samantha Bangayan
Thanks for simplifying things, Gonzalo! =) It's true that I prefer to stay and that the pain is manageable. There's also hope that I'll be able to sort through this all and I want to stick around until there isn't another option!
Thanks for caring, friend! =) Abrazos!
While you pose an interesting question, I'm not really sure it's as simple as THIS or THAT. In fact, that very well may trigger more stress.
Here are a couple of things I do know…it's important to always take time for your self. A time out. A break. A vacation. Also, you will know what to do, if you don't already. Sometimes it's not even the decision itself that causes you to suffer but the admission and acceptance to verbalize your decision to your self and others, that's the hard part.
I admit, I have no idea which is the best choice for you, stay or go. But I will pray wisdom and health for you. Take care my friend. ♥ Elise.
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Samantha Bangayan
What a true, true point, Elise. This entire predicament of choosing between one or the other has caused stress in and of itself!
I love your idea about taking a break or a vacation! I realized recently that another potential source of stress was feeling slightly overwhelmed with all the social media that I'm managing! =P I'll get a chance to break away really soon because I need to leave the country to renew my visa.
Thanks so much for caring and for your wisdom, Elise!! =) Hugs!
Sherry Zander
Is there any way to have health AND happiness in Huancayo? If not, can you find it anywhere else? If the answer is no, then where do you have the best balance between health and happiness? Home is where that is!
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Samantha Bangayan
Ooh! Good questions, Sherry! I'll stop and the first and say that I think it's possible to have health AND happiness in Huancayo and that I'm going to keep working toward to it, until I find out that it's completely impossible. I've got another doctor's appointment this Saturday that will hopefully clear things up! =)
Thanks for caring, friend! =)
Sherry Zander
Oh, there's that comment I left — I'm blind, I'm blind!
My recent post Interview With a Drug User
Samantha Bangayan
Haha! No worries! For some reason, I've had comments disappearing randomly. Thanks for coming back to check, Sherry! =)
I admire you so much for being brave enough to travel and live abroad.
Considering I've been depressed and anxious for most of my life in Canada, I have to wonder: would I be happier in a different environment, or would all of THIS simply follow me?
Samantha Bangayan
Ooh! What an interesting question, Jenny! I truly believe that a different environment CAN make a difference, but it has to be the right environment. It's not directly related to depression and anxiety, but you should read Richard Florida's "Who's Your City?" It's what got me traveling in the first place! =)
Thanks so much for calling me brave, Jenny. I hardly feel that way, but it's something nice to fall back on when I'm feeling like a wimp! =)
Yvonne A. Jones
Just scanning over comments I can appreciate that this is a difficult choice and ultimately only you can make the decision. If you choose to stay, I can understand because my youngest daughter went through similar episodes with parasites, which in the Dominican Republic. She loved what she was doing and was prepared to deal with the trips to the doctor and hospital until it was time for her to leave.
Sam, you're a smart lady, so weigh your options and decisions carefully, and pray for wisdom to make the best choice for your health and happiness.
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Samantha Bangayan
Wow! Thanks so much for sharing about your daughter's experience, Yvonne! I really admire her resolve, and hope to have the same strength in my decisions here!
I really appreciate you believing in me and all your support. Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment, friend! =)
Christian Hollingsworth
Well, to be perfectly honest – I feel like health often affects my happiness. It shouldn't, but it does.
I can't say I know exactly what you're going through – but I certainly have been experiencing some of it myself. I'm at home right now, recovering from some uknown ailment. They thought it was lyme's, or cancer, or other things at different points in the diagnosis.
It's rough though. When you wake up with all your plans and realize you're not going to be able to make it through it all. Knowing you want to touch more lives – but you just can't. It's certainly a learning experience.
What I believe – is that if you have a proper attitude and support system, you can be perfectly happy while still being ill. I've seen many people do it. People I look up to. I believe that if you're happy, then your health is just a side effect. A side dish. Something that's not quite as important.
People can always take away what we own, our property, etc…but they can never take away that state that dwells within the realms of mind and heart.
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Samantha Bangayan
Wow, Christian! I really appreciate you sharing your personal experience! That's very similar to what I'm going through at the moment because the concept of "stomach cramps" can be caused by so many different things!
I haven't had any life-threatening diagnoses yet, but I love how you've reminded me of the value of life and the power of true happiness. Your last sentence especially reminds me of the Book of Job in the Bible — they took everything away from him, but they couldn't take away his spirit. The spirit always remains untouched and ours alone. =)
Thanks so much for your wisdom, Christian. I loved getting to know you and your values better through your comment!
Having left Canada many years ago, I know the body reacts to differences in many ways. The health issues make you think of going back but I also can speak from experience – if you have a purpose in being in Peru, stay. The body will adapt and you will have your health back. And new health because by being on purpose you will have new strength and health.
Hand in there
Samantha Bangayan
I really believe in my body's ability to adapt too, Roberta! Thanks for confirming my beliefs! I love the idea of "a new health" and it makes so much sense because a purpose makes almost anything worthwhile!
Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts, friend! =)
Hey Samantha,
The comments here are so thought provoking and healthy. It is ultimately your decision, your life…decide what is comfortable for you and what works out best. Hope your test results turn out fine and healthy!
Thanks for the mention; I am so glad it could be of help.
My recent post WHERE ARE YOU FROM
So glad you are feeling better or at least I sure hope you are.
Are you really truly happy there? If so, the rest will work itself out, that I truly believe. You've gotten some good advice but the bottom line is that this is your choice to make and yours alone.
I'm wishing you a speedy recovery. If it is parasites, those are not fun to have.
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Samantha Bangayan
What a promising belief, Adrienne — that everything will work out to make way for true happiness! =) I truly am happy with my lifestyle here and I'm also holding on to that same belief, that things will work out. There's still hope that I can figure out all of these health concerns. Yes, a lot has come up, but they've all had a solution so far!
Thanks for caring, Adrienne!! =)
Samantha I think the question you posed at the end is flawed. The question should be what steps can I take to be happy here where I want to be? And certainly it is doable because even if there are so many parasites and bad things for you in that place; there are steps to avoid them and there is a parasite regime you can start as well to prevent them taking a hold of you. There are certainly some nasty parasites with no cure but most are manageable once you know you have them.
I think for you the ultimate question is: Are the steps I need to take to stay healthy here and maintain my happiness something that I can manage without losing my health or my happiness? Only you can answer that; but as an outside observer I believe the "pain" of the cautions and precautions will not be that bad to warrant sacrificing happiness!
I think with a little precaution you can have your health and your happiness and the question you asked only have one response: YES! đŸ˜‰
Samantha Bangayan
You have given me so much hope, Rey! =) It feels so empowering to know that I can take control of my health here rather than feel like a victim to the environment. I'll have to look into this parasite regimen that you speak of! =)
It's true that the pain isn't *that* bad, especially knowing that there may be cures and solutions. The doctor's appointment that I had yesterday got moved over to Saturday, so I'm still crossing my fingers for some answers, which will give me direction!
Thanks so much for taking the time away from your "vacation" to share your thoughts and to instill some positivity in me, friend! =)
giulietta nardone
Hi Samantha,
All great adventures come with side effects. Hell, living in a "safe" environment comes with side effects. The stuff that passes off as safe food in supposedly more developed places can kill folks off in a slower, more invisible way. If people knew that the animals they eat that end up nicely saran-wrapped up in the supermarket chain ate complete garbage, they might want to eat the food you eat.
Got ill in Greece myself. It all becomes fodder for essays, books, one-woman plays. I trust your heart will make the decision that's right for you.
(I wouldn't eat street food anywhere.)
My recent post Why I like to be out-of-control
Samantha Bangayan
What a beautiful way to put it, Giulietta! =) Adventures don't come without their hardships! And it's so true that there are never any guarantees in life. The most extreme food poisoning I've ever had was from ribs in my hometown of Vancouver!
You even have me thinking of all those chain farms that treat their animals so poorly — they provide meat and dairy to our supermarkets in North America!
Thanks for your insights on this, friend! You've really got me looking at the other side of the story and it's refreshing here! =)
I'm so sorry to hear about your ordeal, Samantha. I just want to give you a big hug. I hope a cyberone will do. <HUUUUUG> Feel that?! đŸ™‚
OK, now for the question at hand. Although I am a man that pursues happiness with a vengeance, I'm not so sure if I would remain in a location where my happiness could jeopardize my health. So, I guess Health is my answer. You can find plenty of places, that's not in Canada that you would be able to have both. I know that you love Peru, and that you have begun to build a life there… but after reading what you've endured since 2008, I would have to say that if I were you I would consider other options. It pains me to even read about your ordeal, I couldn't begin to imagine actually going through it all. You are truly a strong individual. I am confident that you will make the right decision that best suits you.
Sometimes however, our body gives us signs that we choose to ignore… I would say listen to your body first, your heart second, and your mind last. Speedy recovery to you, my friend. I hope you get better soon.
Samantha Bangayan
What a WARM hug, Deeone!! Thank you!! And just so you know, I'm not contagious, not even cyber-contagious!! =)
Great point that different places, even outside of Canada, can possibly make a difference in my health. It could just be the extreme weather here in the Andes or maybe the rural atmosphere. An urbanized atmosphere like Lima or one of the major cities in Peru could be an answer! =) It has be imagining and dreaming about living in another part of Peru! =)
I really appreciate you saying that I'm strong. I hardly feel that way, but it's so empowering to hear it from you, friend! Thanks for caring and thank you again for a true cyberhug!! =) Needed that!
I've always put happiness before health and except for one occasion in my life, it worked out. That said, if you come from some other place such as Vancouver to live in the so-called Third World, you can face a daunting array of illnesses. Living in Mexico City, I suffered from amoebas, salmonella (6 years), streptococcus, typhoid, hepatitis (twice), acute (ER) food poisoning several times, rashes, and other parasites both inside and on me, among others, when living in Mexico. Even so, I made it through 38 years and would go back to live there. Almost anyone like you coming from a clean environment such as Vancouver is game for all those things you mentioned and more. You may eventually build up an immunity to them, or some kind of tolerance, but probably you'll have to endure a bunch of things for your first five years. On the good side, I've known hundreds of Americans and Europeans and Canadians who've gone through what you are going through but overcome these problems and stayed happily for the rest of their lives.
Follow Hajra's advice. However, if your illnesses increase and/or affect your ability to live happily and do your work, then and only then, should you reconsider staying.
My recent post Challenge Me to Challenge Myself
Samantha Bangayan
Pennie, THANK YOU!! I can't thank you enough for sharing your experiences! It really brings a different light to my situation. It makes so much sense that my body will need a bit more time (years, even!) to get used to the new environment.
I used to travel to the Philippines every summer for months at a time as a child, so I'm hoping that I built up immunity/tolerance there and can cut my 5-year adjustment period to 3, maybe. =)
I'm so sorry you had to go through all of those health scares during your time in Mexico, but you've really instilled a sense of positivity in me to know that someone else thinks it's worthwhile to live through all of that! I checked off a few illnesses on your list too and what I'm going through now is hardly as serious as your acute food poisoning! How amazing that you know people who have gone through similar scenarios and ended up staying forever!!
HUGS!! You made my day, Pennie! Thank you!!
Maureen Wielansky
Wow Sam that is a tough one! However it is hard to feel happy if you are unhealthy. With that being said; if you gut is telling you to stay, well I would listen. My gut always seems to know what to do. Hope you are feeling better.
My recent post Noodles For You- Healthy Recipe Wednesday
Samantha Bangayan
Thanks so much for your input, Maureen, and for reminding me to have faith in my intuition! =) I really appreciate you caring enough to leave a comment!! Hugs!
Hi Samantha,
Decisions Decisions. Gotta go with your intuition on this one. Your brain will tell you one thing and your mind another.
Stay well.
My recent post Make Money Online Through Blogging
Samantha Bangayan
Great way to put it, Justin! With my research background, my brain sure does try to take over a lot, but I always lean toward my intuitive decisions too. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts, friend! =)
I'm sorry to hear you've been sick! I had a big lesson like this the past couple days, don't let anyone else tell you what is right for you. xoxo
My recent post Ooh That Smell
Samantha Bangayan
WOW! What a powerful message, Lalia. I really appreciate you sharing it — it was the perfect time for me to hear/read it! Thanks so much for your support, friend! I'm so glad we've met!! =)
P.S. Fénix and Bebo say "Miau" — they've heard so much about you! =)
Kim Davies
Hi, Sam.
I'd really go for both. We can't totally be happy if we are sick all the time. In 2006, I had to choose between my career in media and my health. I had to choose the latter because while I loved being a journalist and my assignments were making me happy, I was not completely enjoying my happiness because I was in and out of the hospital due to my ulcerative colitis and the myriad of complications that went with it and the incessant taking in of medications.
But, of course, the decision to stay in Peru or go back to Canada is all up to you. If you firmly believe that getting sick is worth the happiness you are getting out of the place, then do stay. I know a lot of people will support you regardless of your decision. đŸ™‚
My recent post Stepping Outside the Box with 3D Renderings
Samantha Bangayan
Had to look up ulcerative colitis and that illness does not look fun at all! If I end up having a similar recurring health issue, I think I'd choose to leave as well. I wouldn't enjoy taking medication all the time and try to avoid it whenever possible. =( Hopefully, I can clear things up with my doctor this Saturday!
Kim, you rock! =) Thank *you* for supporting me along the way. I really value our friendship! =)
Hector Avellaneda
Hey Sam! Long time my good friend! I am sorry to hear that you are going through all of those troubles there in Peru. Sounds like you've definitely been through a lot.
I would say that I prefer happiness but we must also understand that if we do not have good health we may not be around long enough to feel happy đŸ™‚
I guess what I am trying to say is that if you do stay and you are happy there, take very good care of yourself. I don't know how serious your illness is (was) but just make sure that you take good care of your body. You don't want to suffer from an illness down the round due to something you could have avoided today.
Keep us updated on your condition! đŸ™‚
My recent post My Newest Internet Entrepreneur Community With Pro Elite
Samantha Bangayan
Great to see you again, Hector! Thanks for being in touch and for caring! =) I'm kind of surprised how much I've been through as well! =P
It's so true that health and happiness are profoundly interlinked. In choosing to stay, at least for now, I'm definitely going to try and be more conscious about what affects my health. The truth is, I haven't been paying much attention, so I think it'll make all the difference!
Hugs! =) Thanks for being concerned, Hector! =)
So sorry Samantha and I sure do hope you get better soon. I first saw that you were going through 'stuff' when I saw your tweet.
Happiness and Healthy I believe go hand in hand. I've heard and believe it to a point that being happy keeps you healthy. Something to do with the positive energy. And I believe you are very happy with your new surroundings, but your body isn't ready – yet.
If you can hang in there, I bet you will start to acclimate and not have to see another doctor for a long time! Keep smiling and of course, keeping blogging and tweeting!! lol
My recent post Facebook Share Button You Will Like For Your Business
Samantha Bangayan
Thanks so much for thinking of me, Lynn, and for reaching out! =) I so appreciate our friendship! =)
I love how you put it — maybe my body's trying to catch up with my positivity! =) I'm imagining and hoping that I truly will acclimatize over time. Your enthusiasm certainly helps keep me smiling and blogging! =) Thanks so much, friend!
Tambre Leighn
Great topic and I love the question Maureen posed. Taking a look at your core values, priorities along with the impact on your health as well as trusting your intuition…that you will know when it is time for you to leave can help you gain clarity on what's best for you. No one else can choose it for you. Imagining yourself back in Canada, how does that feel? Imagining yourself staying, how does that feel? And if you stay, is there any out of the box thinking on ways to manage your wellness so you get more of both…happiness and health?
If someone were to ask me, I would most likely have to move to be where I felt healthy. I need to be able to dance. If I'm ill, I can't and then I lose one of my main sources of joy, fun, connection to others, passion, freedom and energy. The two are intertwined in my world.
I do hope you are feeling better soon, Samantha.
My recent post When Caregiving Becomes Too Much – Part 2
Samantha Bangayan
Tambre, you bring up some really strong points! I really appreciate how you have me looking deeply inward to consider my values, priorities and intuition. I've got to learn to trust myself more. The imagination exercise really helps me envision the different scenarios! Thanks for sharing that tactic!
I'm going to definitely start with brainstorming different ways to increase my well-being here, especially for now! I need the energy to dance, jump and hug warmly too!! =) Hugs to you, Tambre!! Thanks for helping me think through this!! =)
Samantha Bangayan
Matt, I so hoped you would comment on this point! Thank you so much! =) It really helps to hear your input as another foreigner in Peru. I think part of my issue is that I need to be more conscious about what makes me sick! It's admirable that you are able to pinpoint places and foods that you need to avoid. I haven't even been paying attention! =P
It's so true that these experiences have reminded me how valuable my health is (and that it's so easy to forget =P).
Haha! You had me laughing out loud over your hangover lesson. =) Though it has me thinking that I should really take care of myself more! =) Thanks so much for reminding about what's really important in life and for the encouragement. =) Thank you especially for your friendship, Matt! =) Hugs!
Samantha Bangayan
Aw thanks for your comment, Muriel! Your admiration renews me with strength and even more positivity! =) I'm so glad we've met through PBAU! =)
Samantha Bangayan
I love how you summed it up, Eric! Quality of life and well being for sure. I am ecstatically content with my quality of life when you put it that way! =) It also helps that I have hope when it comes to my health concerns — one more doctor's appointment with the results this coming Saturday! Crossing my fingers! And great comparison with the riots in Vancouver — those seemed infinitely more dangerous! =P
Wow! I had no idea that you could relate so perfectly to my current troubles! I'm so sorry to hear about your health scare during your time here! I'm assuming you've recovered well! =)
I'm so curious if I have parasites and if so, which kind. So far, I don't seem to fit the symptoms for the two you mentioned thankfully!
Thanks for your input on this, Eric!!
Sherry Zander
My comment disappeared — how weird! I sure hope they figure out what's causing you so much trouble. My heart goes out to you. It sounds absolutely miserable. Hang in there, my friend — <3
My recent post Interview With a Drug User
Samantha Bangayan
You're the best, Sherry! Thanks so much for taking the time to comment again! It's only been miserable for these last two weeks, but I can manage when it means a lifetime of happiness! =) That's how I like to think about it anyway. =P Hugs!
Derek | Goalsblogger
Hi Sam,
"The biggest wealth is health". Don't know who said that but it's true. If you absolutely know for sure that certain location makes you sick, move. Nothing is definite in life. You can move out and go back later.
Besides you only think about two options: one and two. But there are other, like finding a place where you are happy and healthy.
As they say "there is plenty of fish in the ocean". Don't limit yourself in any way. Besides moving always mean further exploration and finding another form of happiness.
Besides, people often simplify happiness too much.
Just because you are happy here, does that mean that you won't be happy somewhere else?
C'mon Samantha, you have thousands of different choices.
And the last thing. Most important to me. I don't believe that happiness is found. I believe that happiness is created.
Parasites and chickens won't stop you when you start creating your happiness.
My recent post Are You A Puppet
Samantha Bangayan
Thanks so much for caring, Alexandra! The pain's been on and off for the past few days, but I'm crossing my fingers that this will all be sorted out when I get the results back this Saturday afternoon!
What an excellent point that I shouldn't make any decisions in haste and especially not when I'm in pain. Everyone has been so great and I really appreciate you stopping by to show your concern and share the love too!! Hugs! =)
Hi Samantha!
Cheer up, my friend! I know you for not too long –only by reading your posts and comments- but I know enough to say that I am sure you will take the best decision (you are just very smart).
And you are also very brave and I am proud of calling you my friend. In fact, I am going to use you as an example for some gallinas I know that keep blaming their fate for not living the life they would love to live.
My recent post Frugal Cartoon # 5: Loosing social skills.
Samantha Bangayan
Aw thanks for thinking so highly of me, Gustavo! =) You know, what I can learn from that is that I should really trust myself more too. =)
I am also really proud to call you my friend! Haha! =) Please don't give the gallinas my name — otherwise, they'll come back pecking at me! =P
hmmm, is there any protection that u can use to prevent all this ailment.
Ex: sunscreen lotion, to prevent the sun from burning your skin
cook your own food: street food tends to be dirty, so if you go to the grocery stores and
cook your own food, u will have a lower risk of infection.
Here is what I think:
Do an allergy test, so doctors know what kind of ingredients you are allergic to.
See if you can take any vaccinations that will help you be immune to everything.
This summer I have to take a set of vaccination before I pursue medicine in a third world country.
I hope everything works out, it will suck to have to move out of the country you love
My recent post I hate lawn mowers
Samantha Bangayan
I so love your suggestions, Hilda! I'm definitely using sunscreen every day I leave the house now and I try to eat at home more too!
Ooh! What a great idea to do an allergy test! I once had a professor who didn't find out that he had a pork allergy until he was in late adulthood! There could be something slightly bothering my system in the same way! Thanks so much for having me think about this, Hilda the Doctor-ess!! =)
Janet Callaway
Sam, aloha. Health wins for me no ifs, ands or buts. The reason? Health is physical and it impacts my life what I do and what I want to do. That in turn affects what happens in my future. Happiness is a choice.
There are so many people who are proof of this. They have horrible health be it from disease or accident yet they are radiantly happy. Their health limits what they can do; their happiness fills their lives and radiates out to everyone with whom they come in contact.
Oftentimes ill health is a a result of the fact that we are not in alignment with our purposes. It frequently occurs when we use logic and rationalize to give the head what it wants or what it thinks it should want rather than listening to our hearts, our gut, or inner being.
Let me throw out another question to you, Sam, if you knew that staying there until year end, would negatively impact your health for the rest of your life–or at least years and years–would you stay?
If I were you, I would look at my core values and long terms goals then do the Ben Franklin close on myself.
Sam, hope you are soon feeling both healthy and happy. Aloha. Janet
My recent post Do you know where you are going? By Janet Callaway | The Natural Networker
Samantha Bangayan
Janet, thank you so much for taking the time share your thoughts on this topic! You stopped me right at the beginning when you say: "Happiness is a choice." How powerful. I wholeheartedly believe this!
You also bring up such an important and relevant point for me. If I'm not aligned with my purpose and dreams, it could be negatively affecting my health or preventing me from achieving optimal health!
Thank you for posing that important question — and I answer with a resounding, YES! I would definitely stay here in Peru even if my health issues would have negative consequences forever. But then again, I've always valued my intuition over logic. =P
I'm definitely feeling healthier these days. Even so, Roy and I are actually considering moving to the Peruvian coast! The plans are still in the dream stage, but I'm feeling like we can make it happen! =)
That street food looks tasty and my appetite is my weak spot. I likely wouldn't last a minute out of Canada as I catch viruses really easy, and I bake from the sun too.
My recent post Review of the Gardener's Ice Maiden by Stella Eromonsere-Ajanaku
Samantha Bangayan
Haha! =) I didn't think I would survive either. =P Maybe it's all in the mind! =)
Thanks so much for taking the time to leave your thoughts, SJ! =)
Oh, Samanatha, I am so very sorry you have been suffering! Are you able to share with us the doctor's advice? I'm hoping he had a magic pill and you're feeling all better!
I agree with all of the commenters. How can I do that? Because they all voiced such affection and caring for you and your health dilemma. Me too. (((HUGS)))
But you asked for my opinion and I shall give it.
You are young. If it's within your control, you should be healthy. There may be a time in your life in the future when you don't have control of your health and would want to do anything to feel healthy again. I have seen that happen with loved ones so I know the importance of good health.
Is going back to Canada your only other option? How about Europe? The US? Australia? You might have more compatible options for your living environment that you enjoy living in as well!
You strike me as a talented, beautiful, positive person who could be happy anywhere.
My advice: give it six months. If your health doesn't improve, move on to another environment that will be more compatible for you.
JMHO. đŸ™‚
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Samantha Bangayan
Actually, the doctor didn't show up for the last appointment I had on Saturday! Kinda frustrating! =P The appointment's now rescheduled to this Thursday and I'm hoping that there'll be answers, but I doubt it. She thought I had parasites, but I don't.
Aww! It's so true that everyone really did come out and show a ton of love! Thank you so much for your love too! =)
I like the link you make between health and youth. My partner and I are actually seriously considering of moving to the Peruvian coast to a city that's a little bit more urbanized with much milder weather! =) I need to head out of the country to renew my visa in July, so we're going to pass by and see if we like it!! =) Should be a huge change!! =)
Hi Samantha, I like the idea of you moving to the coast for the sea air. A change of pace and sea air could be so restorative to you. I wish you the best of health and happiness. How great it would be if you could have both!
My recent post Geocaching: Your Real Life Treasure Hunt!
Samantha Bangayan
Ooh! You're making me even more excited about going to visit! Just bought my tickets and will be heading up to see the area in mid-July! =) Thanks for your support, friend! =)
I've literally traveled around the globe and that seems ruff. Yeah I think that would be enough for me to come home. Wish you the best.
Samantha Bangayan
It's so interesting how it's different for each traveler, A! Thanks so much for sharing your input and for your warm wishes. =) Ecstatic to meet you and looking forward to staying in touch with a fellow traveler. =)
Hey Sam (and Derek),
My thinking was rearranged on this one due to Derek's comment. My original comment was victim to internet connection. Must remind self to put in wordpad first:) However, It worked out better in this case. Derek was right on with this one. My take is that fear should not be a guide because nothing is guaranteed in life. In this case fear wouldn't be the driving force. You proved to yourself and others what you can do already. Health must be taken with all seriousness. You can create happiness wherever you go. That much is obvious, because you're you:)
Live it LOUD!
My recent post Some Gifts Keep On Giving
Samantha Bangayan
Rob, thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on this post! It was a really important one for me personally, as you can imagine! =)
It's so amazing how we can learn and grow through conversation with others! =) I so appreciate your confidence in me. I have to admit that I don't want to seem like someone who "gives up," but you instill in me the confidence to create happiness anywhere. =) Hugs! Thank you!!
Thanking You on Friend’s Day in Peru! | What Little Things?
[…] days, taking time out of summer fun with her family to check in and see how I was doing after a string of health issues. Check out her blog on everything tech, accessible to everyone from the lovers to haters at Wonder […]
Vinny T
Very, very sorry to hear of the severity of your health problems. Maybe Huancayo is way too challenging for your health the way I found it to be for myself years ago. But instead of the choice being between Huancayo or moving back to Canada, another, more healthful place for you to live in Peru might be more viable. I've found banos del Inca and Jesus, both near Cajarmarca, to be wonderful places in Peru where you can really relax and enjoy the beautiful countryside. I was particularly impressed by Jesus that is a little town. frozen in time, pretty much the way i imagine it might have been a hundred years ago. And i found the people there to be extremely friendly. I'm not sure that a place like that would be the answer to your health issues, but it very well might be. Good luck!!!!
Samantha Bangayan
It's true, Vinny! I'm starting to come to terms with it. In fact, Roy and I are even considering a move to Trujillo! We're taking a trip up to Ecuador to renew my visa in a couple days and we'll be scoping out Trujillo on the way back. Might be a nice chang eto live on the coast. =)
Wow! I'll have to visit Jesus and Cajamarca too! =) Thanks so much for your warmth, friend!
Vinny T
My very best wishes for your quest for happiness in Peru. If you're by the northern coast in Peru, you might want to scope out Saliverry outside of Trujillo that some consider to be a pretty nice beach community. And if you're in the vicinity of Chiclayo as you travel south, you may want to check out Pimental which is where the Chiclayo beach crowd hang out. Pimentel, itself, isn't all that great, but it might be so for you if you really love the beach and sea food. If you do decide to live in Trujillo, I can refer you to some friends who live there and who can help acclimate you to residing there. As always, I send you my best . Vinny T.
Samantha Bangayan
Wow! =) Thanks so much for the info, Vinny! We were only there for a short while, but it was enough to have me fall in love. =) We're planning another trip in a couple weeks to start apartment hunting! It would be so great to meet others who live there!! =) Hopefully, I'll have tons of time to check out all the beaches you mentioned when I'm finally settled there. =) We're hoping to make the actual move happen by the end of August! EEK!
Barry Wells
Hi Samantha, I'm so sorry to hear of your health issues and hope that you can overcome them.
I also suffer from health issues. Being paraplegic I'm back and forth to the hospital on a regular basis and there's no getting away from it due to my condition, which is life long.
Your however, may be able to change if you change locations. But health or Happiness?
The answer really depends on the level of the health issues, because if you're constantly unwell you won't be happy.
If the illness is bearable and not likely to become life threatening then i would say Happiness every time
You must have Happiness Samantha, without it……… well lets just say there enough sadness in the world already so try and be as happy as possible in everything you do.
Take care, Barry
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Samantha Bangayan
WOW! Barry, I had no idea! Hearing about your health issues really helps put mine in perspective. Thank you so much for being so open and honest, and for being able to relate to me. =)
You share true words of wisdom in that bottom line. Health will take the forefront if it's life-threatening, but in the meantime, happiness is my priority. =)
You take good care too. Thank you for inspiring me, Barry. =)
It is really tough to come to a conclusion in your case. It’s true that healthy living always bring happiness in you despite there is a scope of enjoying the life to the fullest. I don’t think that you can have it in Canada. So, to be very honest I always prefer happiness keeping some constraints in mind about my health. At least you will not repent for not supporting what your heart says.
My recent post Finding Plumbing Jobs
Samantha Bangayan
It's so great to meet you, Joshua! And great way to put it! I've discovered that I'm the type prioritize happiness too and I should keep my health in mind like you do, but I don't always do. =P
Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment, Joshua! =)
My Seven Links in Peru - What Little Things?
[…] My Most Popular Post of All Time: I received such a heartwarming and supportive response from the blogging community with Health or Happiness: Is It Time to Go Home? […]
This is an odd but refreshing spin on health and happiness. I have two sickly parents and I’m always in awe of their strength and resilience. I guess even though they have their bad days, at least they’re around people that love and take care of them. Separation from family and friends can be just as painful as a physical ailment. They say stress kills. I say loneliness and discontentment kills too.
Samantha Bangayan
What an important insight, Kandid! That reminds me a little bit of wisdom from Mother Theresa. I think she once characterized loneliness as the “leprosy” because it can be as debilitating!
It was really meaningful to me to be reminded of this post right now because I’ve been suffering from more bacteria troubles lately, but I definitely appreciate being around people I love. =) Thank you, Kandid!