Comment & Privacy Policy

This comment policy was updated on February 3, 2018 and is valid from this date on. Your use of this website indicates that you accept the content of this policy.

  1. I wholeheartedly welcome comments, and I make the commitment to respond to your comment. My blog is all about conversation and discussion.
  2. You can choose subscribe to the comments, either replies to your comment or all comments. In either case, you will automatically be sent email(s) as requested.
  3. I respect your privacy. I will not use your email address for anything else other than to send you replies to your comments.
  4. I look forward to knowing your real name. I intend to build a community through my blog and your name is the first step in getting to know each other better.
  5. I censor profanity to keep this blog G-rated, but I do not otherwise edit comments. I love you and your value-adding comments just as they are even if they have spelling and grammatical errors. If you would like to edit your comment, you can send me an email through the Contact page.
  6. I delete spam and inappropriate or offensive comments. To me, spam includes:
    • Comments that do not add value to the conversation or are not on topic.
    • Comments in languages other than English or Spanish.
    • Comments that include irrelevant links.

    I do not tolerate profanity or disrespectfulness in any shape or form.

  7. I allow keywords and signatures. You can include keywords in the “Name” field when you leave a comment. Your signature can only be a maximum of three lines.
  8. I may use your comment elsewhere on this website. Your blog comment is public and if I so desire, I may use it in a post or page on my website. If I would like to use your comment somewhere other than on my website, I will ask for your permission first.
  9. I use Invisible reCAPTCHA on my website. Your use of Invisible reCAPTCHA is subject to the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.
  10. I reserve the right to make changes to this policy. As such, it may be worthwhile for you to periodically review this page. I will note the date the policy was updated on this page.

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