A Wedding in Peru or Two: Municipality Gossip

“Are there a lot of foreigners who come to Pilcomayo to get married?” I ask *Juana who has been working at the municipal building of the tiny town of Pilcomayo for 17 years and has officiated her fair share of weddings. Apparently, she’s seen a lot of Italians who meet their Huancaina wives over the Internet. She’s also officiated weddings for couples who can barely communicate in either English or Spanish. “The Peruvian girl only knows how to say ‘money’ and the white guy takes out his wallet,” Juana recounts.

There were two stories she shared that have stayed with me.

Juana’s first story had me tearing up in sadness.

Just before signing the official paper that would unite a young Peruvian with her current partner, the ex-boyfriend ran into the municipal building confessing his love for her. He pulled at her arm and pleaded with her not to get married. She hesitated. Her current partner, a police officer and a gentleman, softly urged her to sign the document and they were wed. A year later, the police officer began to beat her and her 5-year-old son. He would often throw them against the wall. She had scars on her face, bite marks on her arm, and her front teeth had been knocked out. He said it was because she had hesitated in signing the wedding papers. She had the courage to leave him.

Upon request, Juana also told me the most romantic love story she remembered.

A widowed lady in her 50s singlehandedly raised 5 daughters. One of her daughters was introduced to an American over the Internet and the two fell in love. The American visited the daughter in Peru accompanied by his uncle…who fell in love with the mother. It was love at first sight for both of them. What was most touching was that the widow thought she would never find someone again. The mother and daughter celebrated both of their weddings in Peru together a year later.

Do you have a favorite wedding anecdote?

*Name changed to protect Juana’s privacy.

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Comments (39)

  • I love those two little (big) stories! Thanks for sharing them. I’m a romantic at heart and love a good love story. I’ll think and return if I can remember any good wedding stories to relate.

    Thanks, Samantha!

  • Oh wow Samantha, I love those stories. Thanks for sharing them and you and Roy now have your own love story to add to that mix. I hope that Gabriela will be sharing your story with future happy couples.

    Hope you’re enjoying married life.


  • Samantha, you are so beautiful! I love how you were beaming signing your papers.

    What amazing stories. How wonderful that you asked for this information from Gabriela. Thank you for sharing these with us. Your town is rich with history and culture and I’m sure they all appreciate your curiosity.

    Best wishes for many happy years together, Samantha!

  • “He said it was because she had hesitated in signing the wedding papers.”

    Abusive men will always find excuses. I have a letter my father wrote my mom years ago saying that he hit her because he was afraid should would die (she was in recovery from cancer and decided to stop taking chemo). Somehow , it makes sense to them.

    So happy to hear that she had the courage to leave him. I know it’s not an easy thing!

    The second story is fabulous! I love hearing things like that 🙂 Thank you for sharing it!

    • That’s a really powerful example, Dayle. I hadn’t thought of it that way! It’s scary to think about the psychology behind that.

      I’m glad there was a relatively happy ending to that story too!

      Thanks for taking the time to read! =)

  • What contrast the two stories reveal. One of a great tragedy and the other of tremendous triumph — a reflection of life itself. I am so happy for you and Roy, Sam. I wish you as great a marriage as I had with my late husband, that your life would be filled with friendship, love, passion and deep, deep commitment for one another. Nothing can come between that kind of marriage. Best wishes always.

    • What a great point, Sherry! Life sure has the same kinds of ups and downs, lucky bits and unlucky potential regrets.

      Your wishes mean a lot to me, Sherry! Thanks for the support and love! I really hope that you’re doing well and feeling energized these days!

  • Sam, Love your own story, and now that you mentioned you met Roy in Filcomayo, I’d love to hear about how it happened. And a Peruvian-Chinese celebration will be fodder for gossip and reminiscences for years to come.

    Interesting but contrasting stories. The first about an abusive relationship is, unfortunately, all too common. The second gives hope that the elusive love may yet turn up when least expected.

    Lovely photo of you. Please post more.

    • Thanks, Pennie! =) Actually, Roy and I met here in Huancayo when I came for an internship! He was part of the same NGO. =)

      Haha! Imagine that! Being part of the local gossip too. =)

      Love your summary of those stories. You bring such reality to them! =)

      P.S. Maybe you’ve seen them already, but I’ve got most of my wedding photos up on Facebook! =) Hugs!

  • Following a happy 20 year marriage to the mother of my boys and a long four year stent of being devorced. I took a new job which required me to relocate. My first meeting at my new place of employment met with a Sassy little Peruvian named Maria. Her first and only words spoken to me that day were “Here are the keys to your house, your boys know where where to take you”. All I could think was Hmmm, this will be interesting. For some reason she intriged me. For weeks we played a cat and mouse game till finally I landed a date with her and soon after fell in love. Now Six years later we have merried and meshing our families together.
    I like the second story you told. In six weeks Maria, I and my 26 year old son will be coming to Peru. Our goal is to find Skyler someone to love. He’ll have three weeks so start lining the young ladies up for us.

    • I just knew your own love story was a romantic one, Abe! =) Isn’t it funny how love shows up when you least expect it? Who would have known where life would take us and that we would fall in love with Peruvians? =)

      Can’t wait to meet you on your next trip over here! =) Did Skyler find a love interest, maybe during Santiago? =)

  • Wow, those stories sound like they’re from a TV drama or something. Haha! Everyone really has unforgettable stories to share. We all need to listen to each other more 😀 I particularly like real life romantic stories. I’m such a girl, haha.

    By the way, you look really pretty in that picture!

    • Haha! You’re so right, Chiui. =) It’s always more touching and emotional when they’re real stories though, especially those romantic ones. =)

      And thanks so much for the compliment! =)

  • Powerful stories indeed, Sam! The first, reminded me of the saying, “We never know a good thing, until it’s gone.” A very sad story though.

    Thanks for sharing these with us.

    BTW, I know I’ve told you already, but I really am loving that haircut on you. Beautiful photo of the bride. 🙂

    • Ooh! You’re the master of quotes, Deeone! It has me thinking that it would be really effective to have a powerful quote to accompany those stories… or all blog posts. =)

      Hehe! Thanks for the beautiful compliment, friend! Hugs your way!

  • You look incredibly happy, Samantha, signing those papers in the municipal building before your civil wedding. I hope that you will always be so happy and that the first weeks of your marriage to Roy were wonderful ones. How come so many Italians are linking up with Huancainas over the internet?That sounds awfully interesting. Could it be that they have a spcial affinity for Italian food? Or, maybe, they just think that Italians are loaded with money?

    • Thanks for the beautiful wish, Vinny! I’m so glad my happiness shone through! =)

      I’m not sure about the Italians. =P I think it has to do with the fact that there is already an extensive Huancaino community in Italy. =P But it could have to do with food or money! =)

  • The Pepperrific Life

    I love that second story… So, there’s still hope for me! Coming from a failed marriage, I have resolved not to love again. But I guess when love finds you, there’s no escaping it.

    Stay happy, Sam! I wish you and your hubby all the best. Are you having any babies soon? 😉

    • There is *absolutely* hope for you and for anyone who continues to dream! =) That’s what I believe. =) Wishing that you keep your heart open!

      Thanks, Pepper! Babies will probably be a while coming! =P

  • I’m tempted to talk abt the angry bird shoes I wore or my friends on boats surprising me on my wedding day – do those qualify? hehehe… sorry not meaning to steal the thunder, just still super giddy after my wedding, even though it was almost a month ago!!!

    you look gorgeous in the red cheongsam!

    Noch Noch

    • Haha! =) You don’t steal the thunder at all! I loved your wedding photos and love hearing more tidbits about your wedding. Hugs! =) Congrats again!! Hope you’re thoroughly enjoying married life!

      And thanks for the compliment! =) <3 Hugs!

  • Hi Sam,

    I saw your announcement on Facebook and congratulations again. It must have all been exciting! I love your cheong sam and the mix between all the cultures. Love the stories you’ve shared and wishing you and Roy a wonderful life together!

  • Hi Samantha!

    You are beaming!! You look so lovely and I LOVE your dress! Getting to this post late, but wanted to get all caught up on what it was like to be married in Peru!

    I’m so happy for you and your sweet Roy. I wish you many years of growing together exploring life and experiencing new things!

    I also wanted to come by here to let you know that I have nominated you for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award! So, another congrats to you, my dear! You’re such a fine writer and I love the things you share on your blog about life’s little things and how you get along in Peru. I thought you were an ideal nominee for the Award! (And I’ve gone ahead and linked the post here below where I name you.)

    Cheers to all of your wonderful celebratory news!

    Cat 😀

    • Aww, thank you so much, Cat… for sharing in my excitement and for your warm wishes! =)

      Wowee! Thank you so much for the nomination! =) What an honor! I so admire your online presence and writing, so it really means a lot to me. =) Thank you again!!

  • I liked this part “She’s also officiated weddings for couples who can barely communicate in either English or Spanish.” and it is truth! because when there is love, I think the words are not so important… I love happy endings and I am hoping mine! 🙂

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