Apartment Gossip

Aside from collecting rent and ignoring all that needs to be fixed in the building, our landlady believes that her role also entails encouraging and producing gossip. This task occupies her time while her husband is away for most of the year, working a mystery job in Northern Peru. This may explain why the gentleman who lives in front of our building is one of our landlady’s favorite targets. Apparently, the man is in love with her but shows his affection in odd ways as they maintain a distant love-hate relationship. He enjoys throwing water on the patio when her son is playing and leaving his sweepings in front of her door. She enjoys knocking on his door to complain.

Pasadizo del Departamento
The landlady set up a little fence at the end of our hallway to keep the dogs out. They just jump over it.
When she knocks on our door to chat, we know she wants to gossip about the girl who lives in the apartment beside ours. We call her the “charapa” (a standard nickname for Peruvians from the rainforest) and the landlady likes to get updated on what she’s been up to. The charapa’s apartment and ours was originally constructed as one unit and the thin wall that now separates us never ceases to present opportunities for unintentional eavesdropping. She’s the wild child of the apartment family, disappearing for a couple months without paying rent or letting the landlady know, introducing her boyfriend as her brother, having random men leave her apartment in the wee hours of the morning and going clubbing on Sundays.

Techo del Departamento
The landlady's three dogs overrun the roof.
The one door the landlady ignores is of the stout lady (henceforth, Mrs. Stout) who lives on the second floor. It’s only been three months, but they’ve already developed an intense rivalry and the landlady can’t wait to get rid of her. The reasons accumulate:

  • Strike 1: Mrs. Stout hosts a lot of loud, drunken parties with guests always overflowing into the hallways.
  • Strike 2: Mrs. Stout throws garbage down her sink, which empties out right by the landlady’s door.
  • Strike 3: Mrs. Stout’s dog lives outside of her apartment and he often does his business in front of others’ doors on all three floors.

It’s silly to see how the two ladies greet everyone but each other, how Mrs. Stout will shake out her doormat on the public stairs and how the landlady will let her own three dogs out to cause havoc with Mrs. Stout’s little mutt.

I wonder what the landlady says about me.

I’d love to hear about a character who lives in your apartment or neighborhood! =)

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Comments (33)

  • "chismosa" is the term that comes to mind…lol. I hope that's the right word…I'm remembering from Spanish literature class (over 10 years ago).

    I'm lucky to have good neighbors, though ours is a "pet" building too. Thanks for sharing your experiences. It's always fun to "peek in" on someone else's life…even if it is through a blog.

    Buena suerte!
    My recent post Why Is Thinking So Hard

    • Wow! Impressive, Steve! I had no idea you had some Spanish under your belt. =) I feel more connected to you already. =)

      Pet buildings can be so fun. I imagine all the pets making friends with each other and having play groups like children do. =)

      Thanks for stopping by and can't wait to read your latest post! =)

      • haha…mi mamá es puertorriqueña…but my dad is "gringo" so we didn't learn it growing up. I took it in college, and 'chismosa' was a word that popped out from 10 years ago when I read this story. LOL. So glad I connected to your blog. Love hearing about life in all corners of the world.
        My recent post Addicted to Drama

  • You have such interesting stories! I would love to travel out of country, but at this time that's not possible so I will enjoy it through you!
    My recent post 5 Tips for Fabulous Sales Pages

  • Haha, these little slice of life posts are usually the most interesting. Do you live in that place all by yourself? =O

  • I have so so much to say on this. While working in New Delhi, I rented a room – there is a concept of Paying Guest in India, wherein you rent a room with a family and stay along with them….I rented a room with a widow, which seemed appropriate at first because she didn't have a husband and her kids lived abroad, so I thought the privacy would be nice. Little did I know that I was in for the biggest shock when I was forced to share the room with two other girls and it got too crowded. Also, the lady was the hated figure in general, she used to be pretty nasty about things, too interfering, and once I remember she cut off our electricity supply because the bill was too high that month. Also, my job and my studies didn't give me enough time to look for something else around.. had the worst time then. One of the reasons why I ended up leaving the job and shifting places!

    I am sorry if I said a lot but the thought of renting places just brings back those bad memories.
    My recent post How About Winning 500 for Blogging

    • Omigoodness! What a horror story! I hate when our well-planned decisions turn out for the worst and sometimes our spontaneous ones that we don't have high expectations for are actually the most fulfilling. =) Just goes to show that we can't always plan our lives perfectly. =P

      That sounds like a super frustrating experience! I hope the other girls you stayed with were at least decent! Our landlady sounds very similar to your widow character although she's not so much hated. We just think she's funny and weird. =P

      Hey, don't ever apologize about the length of writing, Hajra! I love connecting and sharing stories too! =) Thank you so much for relating to me. =P

  • It sounds like you have a very interesting life. I live in the country on 12 acres of land so my dogs and I have the entire run of the place. I love it!

    • How beautiful, Janette! I love imagining all the space you have. I've always been a Labrador lover, but apartment-living isn't so cut out for Labradors. =P What kinds of dogs do you have?

      I really appreciate you stopping by and sharing, Janette! =)

  • Gossiping is such a negative activity. Especially when it is talking in a negative fashion about somebody. It is the same as cursing somebody. All words we speak have sound. Sound travels endlessly through infinity. So, everything we have every said is out there, somewhere. It's a frightening thought, isn't it.
    These days, I do my best to speak positively where I can manage it.
    My recent post What is Your Emotional Response to Professionalism

    • That's such a vivid way to put it, Marty. Thank you. We're slowly starting to realize the consequences of having a digital footprint, but you're so right that it can be the same concept for the words we speak. Thanks for reminding me of the power of speaking positively. What a great habit to have!

  • Enjoyable post Samantha! We actually live in a 'subdivision' and lots of neighborhood gossip over the last 11 years we have been here. Not as bad as "Desperate House Wives" but when you have houses that are so close to each other and in a small area, you get to know what is going on.

    • Haha! That's such a funny comparison, Lynn! The drama of "Desperate House Wives" is much more intense than what I've experienced here too. =P But who knows what happens behind closed doors! =)

      Thanks for sharing your experiences, Lynn! =)

  • You know, it takes very little effort to get along with others. Too bad these ladies can't see that. I must say though, you have a very interesting life!

  • Nah!! Small gossip, not enough to make interest. If you really want to gossip big time, then… Come to twitter!! Biggest gossip room in the world! 😉
    My recent post Economía Sin Dolor- 21 de Abril

  • Oh god Samantha, there are just so many characters here in Peru around every corner as I'm sure you're aware….we could probably write a book about these people.

    A few that come to mind.

    Some little old man who always walks at a snails pace (maybe slower, literally the slowest walker ever) and every day he stares at me like im from outer space when I walk buy him.

    Another middle aged guy who speaks some english so always insists on saying hello, except more like "hey bro, homie, whats going on" like we are from the hood…

    Recently there is the guy at the little corner store close to our house who now knows me enough that he is willing to sell me beer secretly on election days, so lucky to meet him…a true life saver 😛

    Congrats on the new site, lots of great posts coming from you, always enjoy reading along.


    • I never thought about that! That would be so cool if we could combine our experiences and write a book. =)

      HAHA!! I loved your examples, Matt! The second one had me thinking about a few people who have walked past me saying, "Konnichiwa! Arigato!" =P

      And good point — there are tons of amazing and helpful characters too. =)

      Hey, thanks for the feedback, Matt! =) Do send over constructive criticism too, if any comes to mind! =) Hug!

  • Hey Sam — funny and interesting — as always. Not related to neighbourhood: “charapa" in Serbian/Croatian means "a sock".

    • HAHA! I totally laughed out loud at this one, Dusko! =) I'll have to mention that to her one day — if she only knew that we called her "charapa." =P

      Thanks so much for commenting! Hug! =)

  • Hi Samantha, LOL you know when we were looking for to buy our apartment, we didn't want to have one where they still had a doorman (portiere). This person usually cleans the common areas and if you are lucky they may even greet you when they are on duty. However, we know that more than that, they talk with people in the other apartments and become the go to person for gossips! We really didn't want to have to pay a person to gossip!

    • Hey! I never thought about it that way, Diana! Gossipy doormen make up such a classic Hollywood character. =P Haha! What a funny way to put it — paying a person to gossip. =P

      Thanks for sharing your take on this, Diana! =) Loved it!

  • Samantha!!!!!!!! Are you telling us you have skellitons in your closet???? Although most of us do. You seem to sweet to have any yet. Gossop is a terrible thing. It can turn a simple friendship into a full blown love affair and a perfectlly honest person into a thief in the minds of others. I might say though, our actions as innocent as they may be are often misconstuded into something they weren't ment to be. My father told me once " Son, never drink Coke out of a Beer bottle". That is wisdom from a wise old man!!!!

    • Haha! I don't have any skeletons that I'm not willing to share. =)

      I totally agree regarding gossip. It's a favorite past-time here, but it doesn't do much good for the community. =P Haha! Your father was a wise man, indeed! Thanks for your thoughts, Abe! =)

  • Look, I made it here! I promised I would! 🙂

    I enjoyed this post. I'm a people watcher (I think that's a pretty common trait for writers!) and I'm always intrigued by they way other people interact with each other. I'm kind of a recluse so I can't speak much about my neighbors, but I like to watch people on the train and the bus. The young couple who can't keep their hands off of each other. The lady with the giant bow on her head singing gospel music at the top of her lungs. The woman sitting behind me talking oh so nonchalantly about "this motherf*****" she was going to give birth to. The guy who sat across from playing with a noose. I can't make this stuff up! There are characters all around us and most of them are a hell of a lot funnier than the ones on TV!

    • You did! Thanks, Dayle! =)

      Hey, now that I think about it, a lot of my posts are inspired by people-watching moments. =) Haha! You had me laughing out loud at each of the people you've observed. I can't believe the lady literally cursing her own child and the noose dude. I'm going to head out tomorrow and try to top those. =P

      Thanks so much for stopping by, friend! =) Hug!

      • There's a whole lot more to the lady cursing her child thing . . . another lil snippet . . . she wasn't going to have an abortion because she already had two and she wanted to save her 3rd one for after this one was born . . . she hopes it's a boy because boys you can just give video games to, girls you have to worry about being whores and getting pregnant. . . . In addition to being a people watcher, I'm also an eavesdropper! (Funny side note: I had a playwriting class in HS and one of our assignments was to eavesdrop :p)

        The guy with the noose was pretty scary . . . my boyfriend was no help either, unless the power of his snoring was going to keep me safe!

        I look forward to hearing about your observations!

        ::Hugs:: back!

        • Wow! Sounds like she really had it all planned out. =P Your story kind of reminds me of a lady I overheard at the doctor's office once (I was eavesdropping too =P It's really a skill!) — she was telling the doctor how she wanted another abortion and that this was her thirteenth, so it was "normal" for her. =P

          Unfortunately, I didn't see any weirdos or interesting characters today, but I think I may accumulate weirdo experiences for a future blog post. Thanks for the idea, Dayle! =)

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