“Hurry, They Haven’t Found Me Yet.”

In early April, a young couple in their twenties disappeared in the Colca Canyon in Arequipa, Peru. On April 13th, they found Rosario Ponce López severely dehydrated. She had been eating insects and drinking her own urine to survive. They are still searching for her boyfriend, Ciro Castillo Rojo, to this day.

Ciro Castillo y Rosario Ponce
Ciro Castillo and Rosario Ponce were both lost in the Colca Canyon. Only Rosario has been found. © Facebook
The mystery of Ciro’s continued disappearance has grown in fervor with contradictions and secretiveness arising from Rosario’s stories.

  • She said that her cell phone lost its signal and ran out of battery during the days they were lost, but a mutual friend of the couple confirmed that he received phone calls and text messages from her mobile.
  • One of the cryptic text messages that she sent to the friend said: “Hurry, they haven’t found me yet.” She spoke only of herself and not of Ciro.
  • Rosario first told reporters that she and Ciro had walked off in different directions. Later, she changed her story, claiming that she was in a state of shock and didn’t know what she was saying. She now stands by the tale that Ciro went off to find help, but she couldn’t go with him because she felt really weak. When she woke up, he had disappeared.

Ciro Castillo and Rosario Ponce
Ciro and Rosario were on a trip through the Colca Canyon before they got lost. © Facebook
People are suspecting homicide.

The President of the Committee of Attorney Generals in Arequipa says that Rosario has really important information for this case (link in Spanish), implying that she may not be sharing what she knows. Reinaldo Dos Santos, “The Prophet of America”, said in an interview a couple weeks ago that, “she’s trying to collaborate and she’s doing all that she can, but there are also things she’s not saying because of fear.”

When humans are deathly afraid of certain consequences, they react in different ways. In reflecting on my past, I handle similar situations by becoming painstakingly organized. I meticulously plan how I’ll manage all conceivable outcomes to the point of insomnia and losing my appetite.

How do you handle extreme fear? How have you seen people close to you handle extreme fear?

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Comments (46)

  • People tend to panic when extremely afraid . That's the worst thing to do. I try to stay as calm as possible, collect my thoughts, and respond as quickly and intelligently as possible.That's worked for me and,happily, I've saved the lives of two people as the result of that.

    I wonder what really happened to the couple that you described. Do you think that we'll ever know?

    • That's so true, Vinny! And panic can be expressed very differently in different people.

      You almost sound like an emergency responder with the way you describe how you react to fear. =) Even before you said it, I imagined you saving a person or two. How beautiful to know that you react that way.

      I'm hoping we *will* figure out what happened to the couple! There's new news on the matter every day and Rosario has agreed to retrace her route in mid-June. Hopefully, that will help! =) Will keep you posted, Vinny!

  • I can't think of a time where I felt extreme fear like that, but as far as extremely stressful situations, it depends. I've been in situations with seriously injured people, where my military/medical training just steps in and I automatically take charge and start doing what needs to be done almost on auto-pilot. In other situations, I gladly take a backseat to someone with more experience than I.

    I also find that when it comes to a situation where I'm worried about my kids' safety, I am fearless.
    My recent post Frejoles Guisados or Bean Stew

    • Wow! Loved learning more about you through your comment, Kelly. =) I had no idea that you have military/medical training. That would definitely come into play and it's good to know that you're able to rely on it in potentially life-threatning situations.

      Very good point about your children! That's how I imagine my parents too — superhero-like, fearless mommy and daddy. =)

  • People can act completely contrary to their normal nature when they're afraid. I tend to ignore the thing I fear, pretend it doesn't exist, bury my head in the sand. Though that doesn't always help things.

    • Interesting coping mechanism, T! =) I imagine it really helps you, so you don't feel overwhelmed. I wonder if there are certain fears that are better to hide from (e.g., a stalker). I can be pretty good at compartmentalizing too. =)

      And it's so true that people can act completely contradictory in situations of fear. I imagine that's what may be happening to Rosario because she's always smiling at the cameras, but she couldn't have been like that when she was living on insects for days.

  • Wow, two in a row. I don't buy it- one iota.
    I have been in very extreme situations. And, I know how I acted and others acted. Those that were terrified did nothing or screamed and yelled and fought like hell against those of us trying to get the solution resolved. Those that acted probably don't recall what they did, because they were too busy doing to pay attention.
    So, I perceive a terrible malodor with her claims…
    My recent post The Breakfast Effect

    • Definitely sounds like you have experience with this, Roy! I find it so interesting how you mention that people who took action may not even remember what they did because of their focus. I imagine this is what happens in cases of emergency — some people have an automatic reaction to help without even thinking about it and others automatically react by doing nothing or running away. Thanks so much for sharing about your experiences, Roy!

      I'm also smelling something fishy and am so curious about what will come out of this whole story!

  • RobertaBudvietas

    Fear does interesting things and I know that in different situations, I act differently. How I act depends on how I feel at the time, if I feel weak, I pull in my head and go very still, If I feel strong, I take charge. But I don't know until it happens what I will do.

    • Roberta, you're the first to bring up this very important point! It definitely depends on the situation and we often don't know what our impulse reaction would be! I really like how you describe the different ways you react. I can imagine myself reacting in both ways as well. =)

  • Hi Samantha,

    I take the same stance as Roberta where it really depends. They have been times I sleep it off. That's a survival tactic for me but when I am determined, I charge forward. When I was diagnosed with cancer, I reacted in those two ways depending on how I felt at the time.

    Thanks for sharing the story and it would be interesting to see how this case develops.
    My recent post How Inviting Is Your Blog Post

  • First, this story is bizarre. I feel for this poor man and hope that Rosario is not directly involved in his demise.

    Second, when I am afraid I tend to do the two worst things a person can do: I don't sleep; and I overeat.
    My recent post Main Interview Question 5 – Are You a Winner

    • Definitely bizarre and curious! I'm almost scared to figure out the truth of it all!

      Sounds like we're alike in one of our instant reactions to fear (insomnia), but I eat less rather than more! It's so interesting how humans can have such very different reactions to different emotions.

      Thank you so much for stopping by, Greg! I'm so glad to have met you through Kristen and I can't wait to visit your blog again! =)

  • Sam, aloha. Please do keep me post on the story as I will be curious to learn the outcome. While dehydration, not to mention fear, can mess with the mind, there are some glaring and obvious inconsistencies.

    Since you can read the Spanish, what more do you see or not see in what she says?

    When I have strong concerns, I tend to think them through as best I can at the time and then go forward. The more time I spend thinking about it, the more ominous it becomes as the molehill grows into a mountain.

    Most often I see people in denial or very hyper and tense in whatever activity they choose to do. It seems that no matter what route we take, we have a tendency to develop tunnel vision.

    Imagine, Sam, what it would be like if we could learn to handle or mange our fears/our concerns. What a life we could have as we celebrate our freedom from that which does not serve us.

    Best wishes for a great weekend. Aloha. Janet
    My recent post Eat- Pray- Love and Live! By Janet Callaway The Natural Networker

    • Janet, wow! Thank you so much for taking the time to visit my blog outside of the CM group! I was so surprised and ecstatic to see your smiling face here. =)

      Actually, it's kind of curious what she writes in her text message. It's more that there are two ways we can interpret her message:
      1. She wants to be saved because they haven't found her yet.
      2. She has an accomplice and wants him to hurry up with whatever s/he's doing (e.g., burying Ciro's body) because they haven't found her yet.

      Ooh! Good point about over-thinking situations, Janet! That's what happens to me too. My worries can grow as I think and plan more. It would be so amazing if we could all be steady-minded as we handle even the most negative situations in life.

      Can't wait to read this latest post of yours. It already sounds like I can completely relate! =) And thank you so much again for stopping by! Hugs! Hope you had a great weekend!

  • Writing 4 Effect

    My experience in observing human behavior is that many people lie when under duress, especially when they think they will get in trouble or have something to hide. I have to admit that when I am super stressed or afraid, I react the same way as you, Sam — I become " painstakingly organized. I meticulously plan how I’ll manage all conceivable outcomes to the point of insomnia and losing my appetite."
    My recent post Welcome to My New Self-Hosted Site!

    • Yes! There are tons cases of people lying to avoid consequences. That's what everyone is feeling about this case! I'm so curious if Rosario will tell the full truth one day.

      Love hearing how alike we are, Sherry! =) Thank you so much for stopping by!

  • What a creepy story! There seems to be more than meets the eyes.

    As for me, just like you I try to be very organised and I try to plan every possible scenario in my head. Then I eat chocolate…and chocolate….and chocolate…
    My recent post Judgement week

    • Muriel, I'm so excited to connect through our blogs even before the group as started! Thank you so much for stopping by and taking the time to leave a comment. =)

      So true! We're all itching for more information on the case! The news has been spurting out headlines of information we already know, but presented in different ways. =P

      Wow! I can't believe I forgot to mention chocolate! That's so part of my next fear plan! =)

    • Thanks, John! I'm *so* hoping that we *will* find out what happens!! =) Rosario has agreed to let the court analyze the rest of her phone messages, which could bring up some new clues! =)

  • Hi Samantha,
    This sounds like a horror movie or something. When the brain senses fear it is capable of doing things that are out of conscious control.

    I hope that they can get to the bottom of this story. Maybe more answers from the prophet will help.
    My recent post Mazzastickcom Is Now Accepting Guest Posts

    • Justin, the entire case is definitely horror-like and movie-like! Interesting point that we can even be unconscious about our decisions when we feel fear — maybe Rosario's stories are all over the place and contradictory because *she* doesn't even remember well!

      I'm hoping Reinaldo has a few more visions about this too. =)

      Thanks so much for your thoughts, Justin! =)

  • For the most part Samantha, I try and face it head on. I don't like being fearful at all, but there's sometimes that I can't help it. Like walking in the darkness of the woods; and you know nothings there, but the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. I think fear tends to give us a false sense of reality, and our body and mind listens to whatever fear has to say.

    What I do when faced with fear is vocalize out loud, that I am not afraid; and I keep saying it until my mind or body(whichever comes first) get a hold of what it is I'm trying to say. I heard someone say once, that Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real. And that has stuck with me until now.

    It would be interesting to find out though, exactly what happened to the guy that's still missing. 🙁

    • Ooh! I absolutely love your description of the darkness in the woods, Deeone! It makes me think of moments that I've freaked myself out for no reason at all, especially if I watch scary movies (which I typically like to avoid). I totally get carried away in those situations as well. I've even imagined people coming out of walls! =P

      WOW! I love your strategy and I love the acronym you shared, Deeone! That reminds me, I used to try and sing whenever I was afraid, but vocalizing would really help too!

      I'll keep you posted on the story!! =)

  • Hi Samantha,
    This is strange story. I can’t say I think Rosario is hiding something. By the way she looks at the photos you provided –she looks like a normal person- I wouldn’t suspect anything wrong, and yet, When I was living in New York –some years ago-, I witnessed another strange case where an angel looking young mother claimed that a black man had attacked and killed her little children. At the end, the police found out that she was the murderer of the 2 babies. Strange world.

    My recent post There are no pitfalls

    • Gustavo, this is so, so true! Actually, people find it weird that she's smiling in the majority of her videos and photos. Many think that it's extra proof she's done something sinister because she isn't grieving for Ciro or relatively desperate to find him. As a counterargument, she says that her smiling is just hiding her nervousness and she doesn't want to be mourning in front of her son.

      Strange world, indeed! =) Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts, Gustavo! =)

  • Hector Avellaneda

    Whoa! This is a pretty freaky story Samantha!

    Personally, I dont think that I've ever experienced severe fear so I wouldn't know how I would react t such an event.

    Either way, I feel for this guy and Rosaio as well. It sounds like foul play to me, although I do not understand what would make her subject herself to severe dehydration and insect nourishment.

    This one is a head scratcher. Let us know of any development in the story. I would be interested to see if Rosarios in fact was involved or not.

    Thanks fro sharing this story Sam!
    My recent post What Memorial Day Reminds Me Of- As An Entrepreneur

    • I know eh? I just had to share it because it's taken over the news and Peruvian thoughts! =) It definitely sounds like foul play, but maybe it was accidental? I hope we find out! Rosario has agreed to share the rest of her phone history and she's also going back to retrace her route in mid-June. Maybe we'll pick up more clues then! =)

      Thanks so much for stopping by, Hector the mentor! =)

  • Ooh, so true, Hajra! Isn't it crazy how life is always more complicated? Maybe that's why we like to watch this shows — to make us feel like life is more organized than it is!

    Your politician stalking story is terrifying! It really sounds like a horror movie. I'm glad that you found your way out and isn't it great to know that you're able to handle those fearful situations? You are such a strong lady, Hajra! =)

  • This is a great story, and thanks so much for sharing.

    I agree with the other comments that to try to stay calm is important. Panic only complicates the issue at hand, but staying calm is not always easy. Like you, Sam, I believe that the best course is to take the time to think things through for a moment and develop an immediate plan of action; often calm will follow. This is not always a possibility.

    Case in point, I recently watched the experiences of some of my former colleagues and friends as they experienced the Joplin, Mo tornado — I went to college in Joplin so this really hit home for me. I can only imagine the immediate reaction of panic as those folks realized that this tornado was on their doorsteps and there was nowhere to go for safety.

    Unfortunately for this situation, there was little time to develop a plan as you and I agree is the way we cope with fear. But I believe that those that stayed calm and tried to seek a safer place were the most likely to survive as long as the power of Mother Nature was kind to them.

    Best wishes and keep up t he great posts on this blog.

    • Great insight, Christine! I hadn't even thought of it that way — maybe my intense planning sessions helped calm me down during moments of fear.

      The Joplin tornado is a really good example. It has me thinking about the earthquake in Japan. I studied in Japan for a year and heard very different stories from people there: some people froze and others immediately took action.

      Thank you so much for your encouragement, Christine!! =) I'm so glad we're now in touch!

  • Wow, my heart is breaking. I don't for a minute think that there was foul play involved. I also believe that when you are dehydrated that your mind can play tricks on you as well as memory issues. You see, I prefer to think positively instead of blaming people because of what is being said about them. So I will continue to pray that Ciro will be found.

    The last time I was deathly afraid is when I was attacked in a parking lot. I didn't think, I just reacted to defend myself. Had I not, I can only think of what may have happened to me but I believe my attacker wasn't expecting such fire to come from such a small lady! Surprise!!! Yep, fear can do strange things to you.

    I appreciate you sharing this story and I do hope you'll have a positive update to share with us soon Samantha. Prayer is a powerful motivator!

    My recent post How Subscribing to RSS Feeds Can Make Your Life Easier

    • As I mentioned to you in a tweet, Adrienne, you were the first to have such pure optimism about the case! This is why the world needs more of you. =) It's so true that Rosario may not remember at all. Who even knows what may have actually happened to Ciro, but also to Rosario during the week she was lost.

      Wow! I'm so glad you were safe after that parking lot incident, Adrienne, and that you mustered up all the power in you to defend yourself! I had a feeling you could be fiery if need be! =)

      Thank you so much for positivity and optimism, Adrienne. I needed it!! =)

  • Carolyn Nicander Mohr

    Hi Samantha, I think it's important not to judge someone who has undergone duress by the standards we would have for someone under normal circumstances. I'm with Adrienne on this one, I believe that Rosario would not have put herself in jeopardy that way on purpose.

    But the techie is coming out in me. Wouldn't Rosario's cell phone records reveal if she made calls/texts during her absence? And if she had a smartphone, such as an Android or an iPhone, her location could be tracked while she was missing.

    Please keep us posted on this intriguing and heartbreaking story!

    And Adrienne, I'm glad you were okay!
    My recent post Roadside America- For the Quirky Traveler in You!

    • Thanks for sharing Adrienne's positivity, Carolyn! These last two comments are a great way to round up the article as only one other person shared the optimism. =P

      You bring up such an important observation, Carolyn! In fact, Rosario recently gave permission for the courts to analyze her phone records, so we'll see what comes out of it! =) She's from Lima, so it's likely she has fancy technology. =)

  • Like some others have said, I have reacted either by withdrawing/retreating or by taking action. It depends on the situation.
    My recent post Help! My Child is Wild!

    • That's what I've learned too, Leanne! It's so true that it depends on the situation and I imagine that our reaction to extreme fear can often be unpredictable! I like when we surprise ourselves in a good way. =)

  • Hi, thanks for the post. I’m from Peru and i’ve been following this case since Ciro disappeared. After 200 days of his disappearance they have found a body which might belong to the boy, it lays on the 300m. deep cliff where it’s not reachable by the sun and it has been miraculously preserved under 0º. What you might think about this case is what most of peruvian people think. Experts have to do all kind of tests to the body to find out what really happened, homicide it’s not discard yet of course…The girl Rosario could helped more instead of contradicting testimony’s, she was the only witness there and everytime she was called to testify, she claimed that her post-traumatic shock didn’t allowed her. And about the interviews where she appeared…you should only see the cynical face and you realize that this girl had no feelings or pain about her lost boyfriend, when journalists asked her if she loved him, she was always avoiding the answer and saying that she was worried for her son (yes, she’s got a son with a former couple)… she made people think the way they think now about her and she’s trying to clean her image writting with her own point of view, everything that happened in Valle del Colca and the names that she’s been called to CNN, The New York Times y San Francisco Chronicle for a possible publication (i’m sure they couldn’t care less about this but if they pay attention to this girl i hope they do a little research). That’s not everything, but it’s what is happenin right now…here we all hope that the body belongs to him to stop with his family’s misery and a father that has been looking for him, for a body or for sign just like he was another rescuer…very remarkable…

    • Thanks so much for the update, Esme! I’m preparing a new post right now with an update on all that has happened as I’ve been following the news like crazy too. =) When they discovered his body, I was visiting a rural area of Huancavelica, but even all the townspeople there knew about what was happening! =)

      Sounds like the evidence might point to homicide, but it’s unclear who the culprit is. What’s crazy is that Rosario seems to be happy to be able to say “I told you so” about Ciro’s whereabouts although it seems like his body might have been strategically placed there! Only time will tell! =)

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