Thanking You on Friend’s Day in Peru!

Pilsen's Día del Amigo en Perú

Every first Saturday of July is the “Día del Amigo” (Friend’s Day) in Peru. The concept was implemented just two years ago by a national beer company, Pilsen Callao, probably as a gimmick to sell more beer.

They’ve been promoting it as a day to celebrate friendship with old buddies you haven’t seen in a while. “We’ll remember the anecdotes, the laughs and the good times that we spent,” they advertise.

The slogan of this year’s Pilsen Friend’s Day commercial is: “True friends are always there for you. That’s why, on Friend’s Day, you need to be there.”

Abrazo de Oso
This bear hug is for you!
Despite the connotation with beer, I appreciate the reminder to value my friendships and in honor of Friend’s Day, I want to thank all of you for your friendship! I can’t thank you enough for reflecting with me, for the conversation, for the support through the tough moments, for caring about me and for just being a part of my life. This bear hug is for you!

I also want to recognize an online friend who has made a difference in my life this past week. Carolyn Nicander Mohr has been a true friend to me in recent days, taking time out of summer fun with her family to check in and see how I was doing after a string of health issues. Check out her blog on everything tech, accessible to everyone from the lovers to haters at Wonder of Tech!

In the spirit of Friend’s Day, I’d love to hear about one friend you’d like to recognize who has positively impacted your life in the past week!

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Comments (75)

    • Haha! That's the best way to put it, Roy! =) I can't propose your "Y" idea to Peruvians because it doesn't work with the Spanish, but maybe I can explain how it works in English! =)

      Thank *you* for your friendship and for your endless support with my writing, Roy!

  • A ver nice – regardless of the real reason for it. This week it has been my wonderful new friends at PBAU who have had the greatest impact. Their encouragement to write is priceless. Thank you.
    My recent post An Anniversary Of Sorts

  • RobertaBudvietas

    Friendship good. Remembering friends good. Beer company capitalising on friendship – well I guess when you are desperate, anything goes. Love the message, love the bear hug and value your friendship

    My recent post Independent and Free?

    • Haha! =) Love how you put it, Roberta. =) And thank *you* for your friendship. I've been especially grateful for your feedback on my Yellow Brick Road articles these days. Thank you so, so much!

  • Thank you Samantha for giving me this opportunity to recognize my dear past friends Linda and Frances, who i haven't seen in years, but who have irrevocably changed my life and who live eternally in my mind and memories. God bless the both of you.

    • What a beautiful reminder to take the time to acknowledge and remember our friends from afar as well. =) Thank you, Vinny!! And thank you for your lasting friendship, even though I've had such a difficult time keeping up with the communication! I really, really appreciate you!!

  • Love the message. Interestng that a beer company started what I bet will become a fabulous tradition. It is nice for people to have a time put aside to take a moment and thank friends. I think we appreciate people far more then we ever remember to express. so near hugs right back to you..and lets hope your string of health issues clears up and stays that way!
    My recent post Living in truth

    • Hehe! The tradition is definitely catching on, Bonnie! =) And I also appreciated the encouragement to connect with my friends and show my gratefulness to them. =)

      By the way, all is looking really good on the health front! =) Thank you so much for *your* friendship, Bonnie, and for your bear hugs back!! =)

  • Great message, Samantha – sorry to hear you've not been feeling well, seems there's a lot of that going around lately 🙁 Take care of yourself, and let me know if i can help in any way!
    My recent post The Sandwich Generation

    • Thanks so much for your feedback, Kelly, and for caring!! =) I'm feeling much better these days and I'm really hoping it keeps up during my trip to Ecuador and Trujillo! =) Take care too! =)

  • Thank you for sharing Samantha. I think regardless of who starts a good tradition it is always nice to give thanks to our friends, to remember their love and support. So Hurray for Dia del Amigo.
    The friend I would like to recognize , is the one who knows what makes me tick, has learned to cope with my tears, the one that makes me laugh and in spite of language differences is the one with whom I share all my thoughts and feelings and vice versa.
    My recent post Penalty for Double Manslaughter

    • So true, Mary! I jumped on the opportunity to recognize, appreciate and show my gratefulness to my friends. =)

      What a treasure to have a friend who has been there for you through thick and thin! People often find it amazing that we can still express ourselves so thoroughly despite language differences. I communicate in Spanish with my partner and despite Spanish being my second language, we're still able to share so deeply. =)

  • I’m so glad you let us know about friendship day! My daughter has to be the MVP among my friends this week for her loving support. I’m so proud I count my child among my friends.

    • Aww!! What a beautiful tribute to your daughter and friend, Adriene! =) Many of us draw a distinction between family and friends, but it's so beautiful when the labels blend. =) Thanks so much for sharing and for *your* friendship, Adriene! =)

  • Love the post and thank you for sharing that with us Samantha. "Friend's Day" sounds like a perfect day for celebrating those who we love dearly. That was so sweet of you to mention Carolyn. She's such a wonderful person, isn't she? I'm so happy she was there for you and hope you are feeling much better.

    Happy debated Friend's Day my dear sweet friend. Thinking of you!

    My recent post How To Discover What You Really Want

    • Indeed, Adrienne! =) "Friend's Day" was the perfect reminder for me to recognize and appreciate my friends more, not only on that day, but every day of the year! =) I imagine we could all use the reminder. =)

      Carolyn is definitely one of the kindest people I know! =) And so are you, Adrienne! Thank *you* for being such a wonderful friend!! =)

  • What an uplifting post! I want to recognize all the friends I’ve met online and IRL this year who have enriched my life in a multitude of ways! And be well girl! I am sending you my healthy karma!
    ~cath xo

    • Thanks, Cathy! =) The idea of Friend's Day uplifted me too! =) It's such a great reminder to recognize and appreciate all our friends as you have. =)

      Thank *you* for the healthy karma and for *your* friendship too, Cathy!! =)

  • I love Peru!!! You not only have Day of the Dead now you have Friends day. The past few days my special friend has been staying with me. She has been my rock over the last 30 years we have known each other. A true person who honours me by choosing to love and accept me for all that I am.
    I love your teddy bear hugs Samantha…Ive enjoyed our friendship too 🙂
    My recent post The Day The Clock Stopped

    • Wow! How awesome to reunite with a good friend. She definitely sounds like someone to treasure. =)

      Thank *you* for your friendship too, Maureen!! =) I always feed off of your empowering vibes. =)

  • I'll take friends' day and see you one! Love the message behind it though I much prefer the bear hug to a beer hug any day. My shout out goes to one of the most generous dancers I've met ~ my friend, David. He shares his love and knowledge of his passion and collects around him fellow dancers who know how to have fun, learn and grow together. Because he took time awhile back to share a taste of tango with me, I've found my new dance. Love reading about other people's picks…thanks for asking.
    My recent post Oh My Aching…

    • Haha! Good to make that distinction between bear hugs and beer hugs. =P

      Wow! David sounds like an amazing friend! =) And what a great example that we attract positivity to our lives when we are positive and loving. =)

      Thank *you* for your friendship too, Tambre!! =) I love learning from and through you. =)

  • Samantha,

    Love their slogan for this year and yeah it may be a beer company slogan, but shucks that is too good for this year's celebration! Way to go to them!

    Thanks for being a friend!
    My recent post Facebook Strategizing

    • Yes! I loved that slogan too, Leona! I so need the reminder to recognize the friends that I don't see or connect with often during the week.

      And thank *you* for your friendship too, Leona! =) I love your warmth and I've loved getting to know you better! =)

  • Wow, thank you so much, Samantha, for honoring me on Friend's Day! You are such a warm, sweet, brilliant person, I am very proud to be your friend!

    Before I started my blog, my friends warned me that I would get "flamed" online. That hasn't happened. Instead I have met the most amazing friends who have supported me on my blogging journey and beyond!

    I love the concept of Friend's Day, I hope it spreads worldwide! 🙂

    Any fans of Samantha's talented writing should check out her very informative article on Klout: 3 Reasons Why Klout is Important for Your Career .

    Samantha, big (((hugs))) and continued best wishes for your good health!
    My recent post 10 Best Road Trip Tech Tools for Drivers

    • Aww, thank *you,* Carolyn! I thought it would be the perfect way to thank you because I don't always have a way with words. =P And thanks so much for all those beautiful adjectives you've used to describe me! I so hope I live up to them! =)

      Wow! I can't imagine being "flamed" online ever. Like you, I've only had the most positive experiences and have made the truest of friends!

      Thanks so much for mentioning that post on Klout, Carolyn! =) And for those warm hugs!! =)

  • Ah friends day. Beautiful idea for a day. I'm going to have to recognise and send love to the #PBAU crew as they have made my last few weeks : )
    My recent post Embarking on a European Adventure (2008)

    • For sure, Janine! PBAU has been so supportive and encouraging from the first day we all connected! Thank *you* so much for coming up with the concept and for your friendship even from those early LinkedIn days! =) Hugs!

    • You're so welcome, Gonzalo! =) And thank you for the bear hug back!! =)

      Ooh! Great reminder to remember out college friends. Most of my college friends have gone all over the world, so I always appreciate the reminder to reconnect. =)

  • Friends! Well, the PBAU gang is great and has wonderfully impacted my blog; the TLC members have been awesome!

    The most special friend is my best friend from school! Always wonderful to talk to her, to meet up and pour out all the tragedies of life 🙂
    My recent post Getting up on the wrong side can be good!

    • I wholeheartedly agree, Hajra! PBAU and TLC friends have had a huge impact on my blog and on my life these past few weeks! Thanks so much for pioneering the PBAU group! =)

      And what a beautiful tribute to your best friend! =) Those are true friendships when they last for so, so many years! =)

  • Thanks for reminding us of friendships that truly matter and make a difference in our lives! That picture of bears is sooo cute! Anyway, I'd like to express my gratitude towards a friend of mine who's been around for 10years and though ours is mostly virtual as we are so far apart physically, our bond is one of the truest and deepest I will probably ever know. Thanks for this heart-warming post, Samantha! 🙂
    My recent post In The Company Of Waves

    • Joy, what a powerful tribute! Thanks for reminding me that I can keep close ties and strong bonds with my friends despite the distance! =)

      You're so welcome for the reminder — I needed it to! And thank *you* for your friendship and for always relating to me, Joy! =)

  • Aww Samantha, very nice post. it's always great to have a reminder about our friends and how important they are. I'm sure you realize this even more, as I do, being in another country and away from many of your friends for long periods of time. Keeping in touch can sometimes be hard, and these reminders help.

    And it's a great excuse to drink some beer 😛
    My recent post 5 Inspiring Speeches to Get You Off the Couch and Into Action.

    • Definitely! =) I know I appreciated the reminder, especially because I totally relate to how we need to make an extra effort with many of our friends across continents!

      I'm imagining that you bought into the Pilsen deal on Friend's Day. Haha! =)

      Thanks for *your* friendship too, Matt! =) It's been so great to connect with another expat blogger in Peru. =)

    • Ooh! Lucky you! =) This reminds me of how I was able to connect with a cousin who was on her vacation recently! =) I've got to take advantage of holidays better too!

      Thank you for *your* friendship too, Josie! =) I've loved getting to know you through PBAU! =)

  • Loved this post and the idea of a Friend's Day. Actually, el Dia de la Amistad is well-established in Mexico for decades and is much celebrated there. I'm surprised that it was only recently started in Peru and by a German brewer, no less. Fun commercial. I loved the "plata" mention. Also use that in Mexico though "lana" is more common. Gave me an idea about how we might write a blog post together about Latino shared customs and lingo but I'll email you about that.

    I liked the way you recognized your online friend, Carolyn, whom I just met through a comment she left on my post and then we emailed each other so I think I've found another online friend.

    The online friend who has probably done the most to motivate me in the past week is you, and you know why. That said, I'd also like to recognize as someone who always writes thought-provoking, incisive blog posts that force you to consider or reconsider different aspects of life.
    My recent post Saved by a Ziploc

    • Wow! I had no idea about the Día de la Amistad in Mexico! This should be celebrated worldwide! =)

      And how cool to compare similarities and differences! I've never heard of "lana" being used to refer to money! =P I would be so confused there! We should definitely write a blog post together. I'll be reflecting on this as I travel. =)

      I'm so glad you and Carolyn have connected, Pennie! =) You'll love her! =)

      Wow! Thank you so much for the recognition!! =) And thank *you* wholeheartedly for your friendship too, Pennie! I've so loved learning more about each other over this past month. =)

      Julie thoroughly inspires me as well! =) I always love stopping by her blog and being forced to think about life in a different way!!

      • Love the way we connect through friends. I have another blogger friend, Chaitra, who also connected to Julie through my blog. And of course, we have Sherry in common.

  • Hi Samantha, thanks for highlighting this. I think it's an excellent idea to recognise and thank friendships. I loved the video, even though I couldn't understand what was being said the actions are easy to follow, and very comical 😆

    Who would I like to thank for their friendship? My best friend of all time, my wife. Tracey has been beside me for 25 years in September, she's laughed when I've laughed, cried when I've cried and when I've fallen over she has been there to help pick me up.

    If it wasn't for her love and friendship I wouldn't the man I am today.

    Thanks Tracey, my best friend ever, I love you a little more every day

    I know I'm late for friends Day Samantha, but you have a great day, every day!!

    My recent post Kindle Publishing Made Easy by Val Waldeck: My review

    • Hehe! I knew you'd be able to get the video, Barry! =) It's so amazing how visuals can help us understand despite language barriers!

      Wow! I am so inspired by the tribute to your wife and best friend! =) Congrats on the 25 years together!! I can only hope that my relationship will be as enriching and fulfilling as the one you and Tracey have developed. =)

      Thank you so much for sharing your recognition! And thank *you* for this new friendship that we're building, Barry! =) Hugs!

  • I think "Friend's Day" is a fantastic celebration. Kristi is a friend of mine who has positively impacted my life in the last week. She sent me a very meaningful card in the mail that meant a lot to me.
    My recent post Battling the Behavior

    • Aww, what a beautiful reminder of how meaningful it can be to send a card to someone! I'm making a commitment to send a card to a friend as soon as I get back from my trip! =)

      Thanks for sharing your recognition, Leanne! And thank *you* for your friendship too! =) Hugs!

  • Hi Samantha –

    Happy Amigita day to you also. Stop drinking all the beer Sam. Haven't I told you that is not good for your health. Cheeeeeeeeese do I need to teach you everything about Peru and about life. Goshhhhhhhh. 🙂

    • Haha! =) That just makes it sound so adorable to call it Amiguito Day! =)

      I'll try to lay off the beer, but it's "tradition." Just kidding! =)

      P.S. Thanks for *your* friendship too, Charlie! And for all the laughs! =)

  • I think it’s great to remember our friends especially the ones who make a difference. Thanks to all my PBAU friends and especially to Samantha, you’re an absolute doll! xoxo

  • Thanks for the reminder to appreciate good friends!__I got a text from a friend back home who sensed that something was wrong. Somehow she knew, even though I hadn't talked to her, to check in on me. And she sensed right because it looked as if my father was dying a couple of days ago (he's been pretty much immobile for a couple of years). Great friends are worth their weight in gold!! __P.S.- I am sorry to hear about your health issues. You have a great attitude!

    • Michele, wow! I'm so, so sorry to hear about your father. And thank you so much for sharing this. Great friends must be connected more deeply that we ever realize!

      I'm also grateful for our new friendship, Michele! =) Thanks for showing your care for my health! I'm feeling much better these days, thankfully! =)

  • Hey there Samantha, loved this post. I'm so sorry I missed wishing you a Happy Friend's Day. It's been a minute since I've been apart of the blogging world. Took some time to square everything away here on the homefront. But I hope you know you have been a super one in deed. Hope you feeling better as well.. we'll catch up soon, I'm sure.

    • No worries! Friendship isn't just about Friend's Day — it's about every day of the year! And feeling your love today is just as good! =)

      Thanks so much for *your* friendship, Deeone! =) You've really helped me grow these past couple of months. =)

  • Sam, aloha. No matter who started it, I absolutely love the idea of "Friend's Day." Thx so much for your beautiful thank you note.

    And, Sam, thank you for the enriching my life by stimulating my thinking, making me smile as well as making me feel warm all over.

    You are everything good wrapped up into one magnificent package. Aloha. Janet
    My recent post How to Tweet to Meet by Janet Callaway | The Natural Networker

    • Wow! Thank you so much for your kind words, Janet! I wish I could express myself just as well to communicate how important you've been to my growth as a person and freelancer these past few months.

      You've really been such a mentor to me and I can't thank you enough for your encouragement and love!! =) Hugs to you!!

  • You are so lucky to have good friends around you especially those whom you can trust and always there when you needed them. And it is pretty nice that they are not just staying because they can get something from you but for the reason that they to be someone that you can lean on even they are your friends online.

  • Hi Sam,

    Sorry to hear that you have not been well but great to read that Carolyn has been there for you.

    Good friendships truly are to be valued and regardless of the commercial reference it's great that they chose to start this day to remember.

    On the aside what I find so interesting is that no matter what the message, language, origin and culture of beer ads they all seem to "feel" the same to me.

    Hope you feel better soon Sam and thank you for your friendship across the blogosphere.

    My recent post How to woo Goldfish and Others | Business Social Media

    • Thanks so much for caring, Marcus! =) I'm actually feeling much better these days and I so hope it lasts during the trip. =)

      Haha! =) How interesting that beer ads have a similar feel to you. =P I guess they all have the similar idea is to promote fun and social interaction. =)

      Thank *you* for your friendship, Marcus!! I am continuously inspired by you and I really benefit so deeply from your mentorship! =)

  • I'veBecomeMyParents

    A good idea–even if is was created to sell beer. It is what you make of it, right?

    I've made a lot of new on-line friends lately (You being very much one of them!). Those interactions have quite a lot to me.

    Thanks for a great post!
    My recent post Lazy and just a wee bit too honest

  • Samantha – I think the whole idea of Friends Day is great.

    It's a terrific idea to let your friends know that you appreciate them. Our lives get too busy, and we often forget the small things. And enjoying a beer or two along the way makes it that much better. A great blog post, Samantha. So glad we've "met" through LinkedIn blogging groups!

    Love the "this beer's for you" comment! Made me laugh. And…..
    please remember to blog responsibly!!

    • It's so true, Christine! Life can get so busy that we forget to show appreciation to the most important people in our lives! I don't ever want to take them for granted!

      I also treasure our friendship, Christine! Thank you so much for always making me smile! =)

  • Hector Avellaneda

    Sorry for my broken Spanish but I'll make an attempt!

    Espero que te sientas mejor Samantha! Aprecio tu amista y te considero una muy buen amiga! Gacias por siempre ser tan amable y autentica en tus blog posts! 🙂

    Ahh, I couldn't help it! (Spanglish) Take care of yourself and Sam. Talk to you soon!

    My recent post Mindset Diet For The Part-Time Internet Entrepreneur

    • Eres lo máximo, Hector! =) Yo también aprecio mucho tu amistad!! =) He aprendido bastante de ti y me inspiras a seguir trabajando hacia mis sueños. =)

      Muchísimas gracias por tu apoyo y ánimo! =)

      Cuidate también, amigo!! =)

  • Hi, Sam.

    I'm sorry, friend, to have gotten here so late. But, as they say better late than never, right? So, here's a huge hug right back at you >:d< ! 🙂

    Friendships are wonderful things, Sam. They are one of the things in this world that keep us going. Glad to have found you and I hope we can do more to strengthen our budding friendship.

    Thanks for mentioning Carolyn, too. Will head on over yo her blog after here. 🙂

    Enjoy the rest of your week, Sam. 🙂
    My recent post A Story About Setting a Goal and How it Relates to 3D Renderings

    • There's no such thing as late in my books, especially when I've been so backtracked on responding to comments these past two week! =P

      Thanks so much for the warm hug back, Kim! =) I'm so glad to have met you and I so appreciate your friendship too! I also hope wholeheartedly that we can strengthen this bond — through a Skype chat maybe! =)

      • A Skype chat would be great, Sam! Looking forward to it.

        Talk to you soon,
        My recent post It’s All About Going after What You Want — Living and 3D Rendering

  • Hello, Sam. Terrific post and I believe that Friend's Day should be every day. I owe you an apology, my friend. I've been neglectful of our friendship, because of recent stressful activities in life. I apologize for that and for not following up with you on your health. You've been through a lot with that issue, in particular, and I sure hope that's finally been resolved. I also hope you enjoyed your trip to get your Visa renewed and that you arrived home safely. You've been such a great addition to my life since we've met. I am very grateful for our friendship. Viva la Día del Amigo!
    My recent post How to Stay on Target

    • That sounds ideal, Sherry — when we remember and acknowledge those people important to us each and every day! =) Hey, please don't apologize! I haven't felt neglected at all! In fact, I think the basis of a great friendship is when we can be busy, but we also feel completely welcome to contact each other whenever. =)

      The move to Trujillo is going to work wonders for my health! Holding high hopes up for it! =)

      I am so, so grateful for our friendship too, Sherry! =) You've been such an amazing mentor and friend. Bear Hugs!! =)

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