Have You Fascinated Someone Today?

Wouldn’t you prefer to fascinate rather than just affect, influence or impress? Read on to learn more about what it means to fascinate and how you can fascinate those around you.

Sally Hogshead
Sally Hogshead identifies seven triggers we use to persuade others.
As a person who values self-knowledge, I was excited to learn about Sally Hogshead and her theory of fascination through my good friend Gonzalo Suárez. The idea is that we use seven different fascination triggers to persuade those around us. Out of those seven, we have a primary trigger that we should harness to share our message and purpose more effectively.

These are the seven triggers she describes:

  • Prestige – increases respect
  • Power – takes command
  • Mystique – arouses curiosity
  • Passion – attracts with emotion
  • Alarm – drives urgency
  • Rebellion – triggers creativity
  • Trust – builds loyalty

I took Sally’s 28-question F Score Test and was surprised by the result: my primary trigger is rebellion. I’m hesitant about the word’s connotation, but I’ve come to embrace its meaning. I take it to mean that I’m curious, independent and break away from the norm. I wouldn’t have made it here to Peru without my so-called rebellious streak and I’m realizing how important it is to me that I continue encouraging others to follow their passion and intuition with the same vigor.

Which fascination quality is most important to you and how are you using it to your advantage in your life, personal brand or business?

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Comments (69)

  • At a glance, I figured I'd be power, rebellion or trust. The test shows prestige and then mystique! I'm going to read the results info again. I'm not sure what I think of it yet :).
    My recent post How to Overcome Your Fear of Making Videos

    • Ooh! Interesting! =) Prestige was a little difficult for me to interpret — it was my secondary fascination trigger. I think that it's something that respected bloggers use. I imagine that the WAHM Solution has become so successful because you have an air of authority, in a very attractive way! =)

  • Hey Samatha! Great idea to revisit the work of Sally Hogshead. I think is better than Guy Kawasaki's "Enchantment" book! (its a good book to, but… Sally's better!)

    I must confess that my triggers are "Power" and "Rebellion". I hope more to be as Sir Richard Branson than some Mob leader or something like that!

    Sally was so gentle to let me give away my readers her first book "Radical Careering". And you readers could get it too! Please read Hablemos de Sally Hogshead in order to get your free copy of this U$11.90 great e-book.

    My recent post El Cuate @EseMendiola

    • Gonzalo, thanks so much again for introducing me to Sally! =) I learned so much about her through your blog and was excited to find that she was such a kind lady on Twitter as well.

      Haha! I know what you mean. The concept of using the power and rebellion triggers could potentially lead to chaos, but I hardly imagine you as a mob leader. =P Can't wait to hear more about your amazing achievements in these coming years. =)

      I had forgotten to mention the free e-book — thanks for bringing that up! =)

  • And I considered myself a Romantic, so much for Passion being my fasination. Power is it followed by Trust. Rebellion came in at the bottom but anyone that knows me knows I have pulled that trump card before. I never thought of myself a person of Power even though most of my life I have held high positions of responability. I remember admiring people of athority (Not Welth) and the good they did within the work place and or the community. I can see how my life was influanced and has now become one of my triggers. I do enjoy being apart of a collective effort of possitive accomplishment, at work, home or my community. Fasinationg post Samantha, you are wise beyond your years:)

    • Omigosh, Abe! The same happened to me. I actually didn't know about any of the triggers before I took the F Score test, but when I read about it afterwards, I was surprised that I didn't use passion as one of my core triggers. Now that I think about it, since these are about triggers, they don't talk about what kind of people we are. We can be thoroughly passionate people who just don't harness passion when we try to persuade others. Maybe this is the secret to increasing involvement at Safeway — honing that quality of yours! =)

      I completely identify, Abe. I've also found myself in leadership positions when I've never thought of myself as a "person of power." How inspiring that you've found yourself in a position to do good and that you use it positively! =)

      Aw thanks so much for the kind words, Abe. =) Hugs!

  • Hi Samantha
    Ive never heard of Sally, but was so intrigued I took the test.
    My primary trigger is Passion, my secondary is Alarm
    Youve totally FASCINATED me, now I'll just have to find out more
    As always your posts are full of wonder, thanks so much for sharing :)))
    My recent post I’ve Been Stugged!

    • Wow! You're the first person I know so far with passion and alarm as triggers! I knew that you were unique because it takes a very special person to be able to do what you do as a grief coach. =) Thank you so much for sharing. I loved getting to know a bit more about you, Maureen. =)

  • “Make people fall in love”… that is awesome message from Sally Hogshead. Really enjoy the video Samantha, thank you for sharing.

    It really does make sense to fascinate your audience – curiosity is always a wonderful way to attract people to connect with you. Interesting topic and concept.

    • You're welcome, Lynn! I'm so glad you had the chance to watch her video. Sally is captivating and oh-so-passionate when she speaks. =)

      I also love how Sally's message is centered on "fascinating." What a powerful and intriguing word! =) And it makes so much sense that we have natural ways we can beset *fascinate* others. =)

      Thanks so much for stopping by to share your thoughts, Lynn! =)

  • I'm fascinated by Rebellion and triggered by Mystique – sounds like a slogan for a new male fragrance!

    Interesting post – as always!
    My recent post The Miguel Grau Museum in Piura- Peru

    • Haha! =) What a funny take on it, Tony! …Or a slogan idea for your business somehow. =)

      Hey, I really appreciate you saying that my posts are interesting, Tony. =) As an established writer yourself, I only hope to get to the same level of quality content that you produce.

  • Wow Samantha,
    First time visitor and you've won me over. Sally has some intriguing ideas.
    Now, to combine them each in a good dose.

    • Rob, I'm so glad you dropped by and I've loved getting to know you through your inspirational blog!

      You're so right that we can read about tons of theories, but what matters is the application! Let's see if I can harness my fascination abilities. =)

  • Hi Samantha,

    that is truly interesting. I would have though that I am kind of a rebel, but the test said that my primary trigger is mystique. I can identify as well.

    Thanks for sharing this.

    Take care

    My recent post Freedom Or Security – What Do You Value More

    • Haha! I can imagine you as a friendly and warm rebel, Oliver. =) Interesting that you use mystique to fascinate. You really do have the skill of arousing curiosity in others with all of your blog post topics, especially your latest on freedom and security.

      Thanks so much for stopping in, Oliver! =)

  • I took the test almost immediately – Rebellion, Power and Trust and I am impressed! I am so impressed by Sally- will have to find out more!
    My recent post RENTING TROUBLE!

    • We are kindred spirits, Hajra — strong and independent. =) I think we're both rebels in our own silent and not-so-silent ways. =)

      Thanks so much for sharing your triggers! So cool to get to know others better through their F Score results. =)

  • Kristen Robinson

    Awesome Samantha and I did take the test! My primary trigger is mystique. I thought that was pretty interesting. What a great exercise and I'm learning a lot from my results. Thank you for sharing!
    My recent post What! It Takes Time to Build A Relationship

    • Ooh! Mystique is so *you,* Kristen! I've been missing your thought-provoking blog posts and can't wait for you to start up again this week!

      Isn't it amazing how much we learn about ourselves through tests like these? =) Thanks for sharing your results, so I could learn more about you too! =)

  • I took the test and my primary trigger is POWER and my secondary trigger is MYSTIQUE. I am somewhat surprised with the "Power" trigger ~ Not sure how to react to this.
    I am interested in learning more about Sally's theorys and would love to read her book.
    My recent post Encourage Your Friends

    • Wow, Janette! I'm surprised about the power trigger for you too. =) But if we think about power as leadership, I think we can be strong leaders in so many different ways. To me, you are a leading book reviewer! =)

      Speaking of Sally's book, I recently remembered that she has a free e-book online that you might be interested in. It doesn't speak about the triggers, but it's a good read nonetheless. Here's the link if you want to take a peek: .

  • Fun post Samantha!! Keep up the good work.

    Turned out I was passion and rebellion.

    Interesting since when I passionately want something I always get it.
    My recent post What would have been gained by capturing Osama bin Laden alive

  • Hi Samantha,

    To me, trust is the most important thing on the list. First, I try to be a trustworthy person, and then presnt and be myself wherever I am, whether online of offline. I wouldn't be atrractive to people who think of life as a series of encounters with sparring partners.

    Lou Barba
    My recent post The Apprentice

    • So true, Lou. Trust is the basis of any relationship and we often forget that online relationships and business relationships are just as significant.

      Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts. =)

  • Hi Samantha,
    I'm going to go with passion/ attracting with emotion on this one. The energy of emotion when harnessed and channeled can be used to create almost anything.

    My recent post Laughter Is The Antidote For Fear

    • Justin, it's so great to meet you through Diana's blog! =)

      Although the test says that I use "rebellion" to fascinate, passion is personally really important to me. I wholeheartedly agree that emotions can be so powerful and put to good use when honed. =)

      Thanks so much for stopping by my blog, Justin. I'll be heading over to yours in a few seconds now. =)

  • BooHoo, Samantha. Unfortunately I will not be able to wtch the video until I return to Hawaii tomorrow. For some reason I cannot even access Sally's site to take the test.

    Actually, if you equate Rebellion with creativity that it absolutely is a perfect fit for you.

    Look forward to being able to comment further after I have tested myself and watched the clip. Until then, aloha. Janet

    P.S. From what I see above above Sally's work, it is nothing at all like Guy's "Enchantment." Question for you, Sam, would you rather fascinate or enchant people?
    My recent post Network Marketing- Social Media Marketing &amp Life—Travel Agent or Tour Guide by Janet Callaway The Natural Networker

    • How weird! I've heard that some people weren't able to access Sally's website recently. I hope it's a temporary issue.

      I hope you do get a chance to watch the clip, Janet! I know that you'll find inspiration from her theory. =)

      Interesting question re: fascinate v. enchant. I've only recently heard about Guy's "Enchantment" and love the idea. With only a basic knowledge of what he means by it, I'll have to go off the words' connotations and enchanting seems to give of a sense of longer-term effects. What are your thoughts on the two words? =)

      • Sam, aloha. To me, "enchant" carries more of a meaning of engagement, connection and 2 ways. Fascinate is more like watching a bug under a microscope.

        I can be "fascinated" without being the least bit enchanted, however, I seriously doubt that I could be enchanted without being fascinated as well.

        Catching up now that I am back so will head on over to Sally's again. Interestingly enough, she contributed some work for this book which I review in my next post. Stay tuned.

        Best wishes for a great weekend. Aloha. Janet
        My recent post To Date or Not to Date by Janet Callaway The Natural Networker

        • Ooh! I love the distinction you made, Janet! =) With the way you describe it, being enchanted could motivate you to take action while fascination might promote fascinated inaction.

          I noticed that you mentioned Sally in your latest 3 book reviews! What a small world! =)

          Thanks so much for coming back to share your thoughts, Janet! =)

  • Writing 4 Effect

    Hi, Sam. I tried to take the test, but the site was down. I will go back to it later when it's up again. This was a great post. It is very cool when people encapsulate aspects of something in simple, specified terms. Yes, I would prefer to "fascinate" my readers. I think that factor would entice them to return!
    My recent post Welcome to My New Self-Hosted Site!

    • Ooh! I do hope you get a chance to take the test, Sherry! How frustrating that the site was down.

      You *do* fascinate, Sherry! I know you do because your beautiful personality shines through your blog posts. =)

      WOWEE! I just noticed your CommentLuv link about going self-hosted. I'm heading over right now! =)

  • Samantha,

    Thanks for the share here, I never heard the phrase fascination quality. My favorite and one I am building is trust. I am drawn to those who are also trustworthy and even predictable.

    By showing up everyday, being consistent on all levels and in behavior and nurturing relationships we build and give our trust.

    My recent post Subliminal Manipulation- Are Advertisers Controlling You

    • Wow! I very much admire that about you, Jon. =) I personally feel that trust is one of the more subtle fascination qualities. It's a quality that's built and developed over time, so it doesn't have that same intense impact that "power" or "rebellion" would have.

      But I can see how "trust" can be one of the most powerful fascination qualities, especially when building long-term relationships with clients. =)

      Thanks so much for bringing this up, Jon! =)

  • An interesting book, but I'm sorry,I won't take the test because I consider it to be invalid. The author's list omits two main factors that often enter in to the fascination equation: money or economic position, and personal appearance. Like it or not, these factors are often crucial in our evaluation of others. The authors omission of these factors constitutes one of her book's major flaws

    • So true, Vinny! I wonder what Sally would say about your thoughts. Maybe the idea is that money and personal appearance can be used to fascinate based on one of her other triggers. For example, money can be used to fascinate through power or personal appearance through passion!

    • Interesting! Prestige was my secondary trigger! =) I think the idea is that what others think of us matters to us. We value respect from others and the feeling of having a certain standing — i.e., being a "prestigious person." =)

      In the description, Sally mentions prestigious brands, but I definitely don't identify with that. =P I'm a no-name brand kind of person! =)

      Thanks so much for sharing your results, Bob! Loved getting to know you a bit better. =)

  • Aw that's impressing. I'd like to be Power and trust but it was rebellion and mystique. LOL.

    Never mind. Great insight and Sally's got a great result 🙂

    My recent post Top 5 ways of building effective backlinks for your blog

    • Haha! The exact same thing happened to me, Jane! I would have chosen two completely other fascination triggers, but my more natural triggers were two others! =P

      It just goes to show how much we can learn about ourselves from these types of tests, eh? =) Thanks so much for trying it out and sharing your results, Jane! =)

  • Hi Samantha,

    Like Hajra, I took the test right away LOL. Rebellion, Alarm and Trust. The Alarm part is really interesting for me and will need to look at it further.

    Thanks for sharing this resource. It's really fun and I am going to add it to me Friday Favs 🙂
    My recent post My Blogging Community Features Samantha Bangayan

    • Wow! I didn't know you were a "rebel" like me, Diana. =) Maybe the rebels end up in different countries. =)

      I'm interested in your alarm trigger as well, but I can see how it can fit in well with being a coach. The idea is that you can drive the urgency for change in your clients. You give them a sense of alarm (not in a bad way), so they're motivated to make positive changes! =)

      I'm so glad the test was fun for you too, Diana! =) Thanks for trying it out and sharing. And wow! I've never made a Friday Fav before. That would be so cool! =) Hugs!

  • Interesting Post Samantha.

    I took the test right away and my primary trigger is Passion and secondary trigger is Trust.

    • Wow! How cool to learn this about you, Dev. =) It makes so much sense because it has to take tons of passion to reach the successes you have with all of your websites! =)

      Thanks so much for sharing your results! =) It was fun to get to know each other better this way. =)

  • I attempted to take the test, but the page won't load for me 🙁 . . . . I'm definitely going to try again later! . . . . This was an interesting topic, thanks for sharing it!
    My recent post Cry Baby Soundtrack

    • Oh, bummer! I heard that was happening over the weekend too! I think it would be really interesting for you, Dayle! =) Please do let me know if you get a chance to try it. =) I'm trying to hold myself back from hazarding a couple guesses about your fascination triggers. =P

      • Ok, it worked this time! . . . Here's my results:

        Your primary fascination is PASSION. (Nicely done, you.) Even without realizing it, you’re already instinctively applying this trigger when trying to persuade others. Your secondary trigger is REBELLION, and your dormant trigger (the one you’re least likely to apply in your personality and behavior) is ALARM.

        I'm off to read more about these . . . this just might have prompted a blog post 😛
        My recent post Cry Baby Soundtrack

        • Ooh! I'm glad I gave you some inspiration for another blog post. You can add it to your idea envelope. =) If you post about this, you should let Sally Hogshead know on her Twitter account (@SallyHogshead) because she'll retweet you and you'll get a spike of hits on your page. =)

          Wow! You do seem to use the passion trigger for sure! That was my first guess! =) I can also see how "Rebellion" comes into play too — it's the Dr. Seuss spirit in you! =)

  • What an awesome post! I had fun with the test as well, Samantha.

    My primary fascination is Prestige, my secondary trigger is rebellion, and the dormant is Trust. This was very fascinating and dead on for me. At first I was kind of hesitant about the trust being the dormant of the three, until I read what the result page had to say about it.

    When I saw that it stated, "One thing’s for sure: You’re definitely not boring.
    People who score low on trust tend to be thrilling, passionate, and intuitive. They live in the moment, and rarely plan very far in advance. As a result, they can be unpredictable, impulsive, and volatile." I knew that this test really hit me head on. I am very impulsive, definitely a man of the moment and unpredictable; I think it's the Gemini in me. 🙂 Very interesting nonetheless! I will have to share the F-score test with my partner when he gets home. I'm very curious about what he'll come up with. Thanks for posting! 🙂
    My recent post New Theme- Vertigo

    • Wow, Deeone! We are so alike! My primary was rebellion, secondary prestige and trust was dormant for me too. It does make sense, doesn't it, with rebellion and trust being on opposite ends? If we can get past all of the words' connotations and instead think about how we use them to persuade others, there will of course be certain qualities we naturally prioritize.

      Haha! Even though I'm not a Gemini, I, too, am a woman of the moment. Maybe my Scorpio-ness comes into play in that I'm *passionately* unpredictable. I put myself wholeheartedly into all of my crazy decisions. =)

      Thanks so much for sharing your results, Deeone! Loved connecting with you through them. =) I'm curious about your partner's results too! =)

  • Hector Avellaneda

    Hey Samantha! I had never heard of Sally Hogshead before. She's a pretty amazing woman and I really liked what she had to say about markets and they are all like online dating.

    I took the F-score test and looks like I am a rebel as well! 🙂
    My recent post The Most Successful Information Age Internet Entrepreneurs Don’t Sell Commodoties

    • Haha! I really loved the comparison Sally made between markets and online dating too! We have so few seconds to really make an impression, which gives us all the more reason to hone our power to fascinate.

      And wow! Great to learn that we can be rebels together. =)

      Hector, thanks so much for stopping by! I really do apologize because I've been meaning to hit up your blog since you connected with me on Facebook last week, but life got in the way. No excuses, right? Heading over right now! =) Promise! =)

  • Well, that explains how you come up with such insightful posts, Bonnie! =) Very cool discovery! =) Loved learning more about you.

    You know, I was kind of surprised that passion wasn't in my top two! I've always felt like a passionate person, but rebellion and prestige won out. =P

  • Rebellion, huh?
    Well, I am a "Trust"…I am usually the go-to person for answers and am strong in keeping teams together.

    Great post and I am getting ready to buy her book!

    • Thanks so much for dropping by, @adeeperdive! =) Wow! Trust says a lot about you. I haven't met many who value "Trust" first and foremost. It's such a powerful trigger because it's the one that withstands all the trends and changes.

      Loved getting to know more about you through fascination triggers! Can't wait for your website to launch, so I can support your blog in kind! =)

  • I'm so ecstatic that I was able to introduce a share-worthy and informative idea to you, Heather! =) I first heard about Sally Hogshead through a friend's blog post and almost didn't watch her video. Sometimes, I wonder if it's worthwhile to spend the 20 minutes, but she sure did *fascinate* me within the first few minutes. She sets a great example for taking advantage of those 9 seconds, don't you think? =)

    Yay! =) Hope you can use these results to your advantage in your business as well, Heather! =)

  • Hi Samantha,

    Interesting post…I have not had a chance to take the test, going to take a look at it later on. I am really curious to where I stand and how it effects my business.

    I had a laugh at the video.

    Have a great weekend,
    My recent post Five Ways To Promote Your Next Weight Loss Challenge Event

    • Sally is such a stellar speaker, isn't she? =) So glad you enjoyed the video, Tommy! Do let me know when you get a chance to take the test! I loved learning about everyone through their results. =)

      Have a great weekend! =)

    • Ooh! That's so you, Nikki! =) I envision you as a trustworthy person and you can use "alarm" to bring urgency to a medical need, but you're hardly a rebellion. That's why you're everyone's favorite! =) Hehe!

      Thanks so much for sharing! =) Hugs! Miss you!

  • Hi Samantha,
    I really like your blog! Just watched the vid on fascination and it is…fascinating:)
    I like the way the little gold fish showed up on the screen and quickly disappeared. We have only 9 seconds? Whoa. Interesting concept. But I agree on distracting nature of the Internet.
    Heavy Metal Rock On,
    My recent post Disease In Personal Development Blogs

    • Haha! =) You liked the goldfishie too, eh? =) Thanks so much for reaching out and stopping by, Derek! Sorry that I've been all over the place lately! I promise to be more regularly in touch from now on! =)

      The Internet can be a huge time-waster if we don't plan to use it properly and I bet you would agree that it can also take away from our major goals. I love the concept of focusing in and living out your top 5 goals btw, Derek! You are a true inspiration! So glad we're in touch! =)

  • Hi, Samantha.

    I was very surprised to see that I was rebellion, but after reading it, it certainly makes more sense. I became an entrepreneur because I hated feeling like a white collar puppet who was being paid little money for the talent I offered. So it makes sense. I'm always bucking tradition and I go against the grain in a lot of ways. I just didn't see myself as rebellious.

    Great post as usual.

    • Same here, Chris! My instant reaction to "rebellion" was surprise too, but it makes so much sense doesn't it? We need to "rebel" or be different from the norm to be creative! =) And you are the epitome of creativity, friend! =)

      Thanks so much for the comment!! Glad this could be a fun exercise for you too. =)

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